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Thanks for your reply rockybird. by timc24 ..... Amalgam Replacement Support Forum

Date:   2/18/2005 10:52:36 PM ( 20 y ago)
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Well ,I guess I might not be right about the composites, but the information I found on them online had them as blockers of energy flow (disease causing) and estrogen causing.

I am not eating any fish but I was taking fish oil, I gave it up a week ago. The brand I used was Carlsons which is guaranteed at a Government lab to be distilled and contain no Mercury! , but then again even with this recommendation would you still trust this?

What would you think?, Fish oil is highly beneficial for both the heart and brain, because of Omega 3's. But maybe now isn't the time to take it as it may mix with high Mercury levels in my body and send Mercury everywhere making me sick?, do you think this may be a possible?

My symptoms , since Amalgam removal have been very bad, like neck clamping and pain, ear ringing ,intestinal upset and gas, Finding it hard to breathe and constant dry cough, extremely low energy (all I do is crash and lay on my bed.) Memory and concentration problems, even amnesia, Severe Depression and loss of interest in previous things.

I take vitamin c tablets 500 mg and selenium 26 ug a day which is the minimum dose cause it's toxic. I have Low blood presure and slow pulse too, I have a monitor and before the dental work I always had figures like 130 / 74 and my pulse was usually 71 , now it's like 99 / 51 and the pulse 60 beats per minute.

I feel yuck and tired all of the time,(constant yawning). If I hop up too fast I nearly faint, Could Mercury exposure cause this? I know it can affect the thyroid which is in the neck and thats where I am getting alot of my symptoms. But my doctor tested my thyroid via a blood test and said it was ok?

Hope all is going well for you.


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