Re: Sugar cravings decreased by jaaynee ..... Sugar Forum, Sugar Addiction
Date: 4/4/2005 4:22:16 PM ( 20 y ago)
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I started off taking chewable vit C. I dont think I noticed a difference then because they were sweetened and tasted like candy. But to save cost I started to use the crystal form of vit C which I just mixed with water. I didnt intend to use the Vit C for reducing Sugar craving I was using it to see what other health benefits I could gain from it. So at what point the in taking that vit C doses did the Sugar craving decrease, that is hard to say. I also think that each person requires different amount of Vit C, depending on their over all health. SO what amount should a person take to see if the Sugar cravings decrease or diminish? I dont know, I think the person should experiment with doses or do a bowel tolerance test to see how much C their body can handle. There are more experienced people in the Vit C forum that can explain it better than I can.
Its funny though, I dont rememer an exact point where I didnt crave sugar, I just remember thinking to myself that 'boy those cookies have been in the cupboard for an awfully long time!' It is very unusual for a bag of anything sweet to last more than a couple days!... I think its still in there...
Please let me know how you are doing with it heather!
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