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Onward... by fledgling ..... Energy Medicine: Energy Healing Modalities

Date:   12/4/2005 3:24:37 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   2,123

...The key to this system lies in finding the right people to move it...and in giving them the ability to earn a little 100% profit, too.

So far, as I say, I've been shy to put it out there. I'll only have one opportunity to get the procedure right.

I wrote it up, in theory, and gave copies of it to a 'critique meeting' of my local writers' association. (Read 'starving artists', even though some are internationally acclaimed. The fact that they get so little return for their work is great incentive for me to get this system out there!)

These people are extremely generous with their considerable skills. They always give encouragement to each other. No matter the level of writing skill in one's work, they always find something to approve, even when gently prompting a writer to practice more.

Only one man responded to me, bless his heart. He read my stuff and e-mailed me a question that proved his amazement.

I was talking about a new way to sell authors' work, right? It meant cash in the bank to them. And, they always respond to a member's submission, right?

So, I hadn't said it properly. (Oh, shoot!)

My sweet dearheart does his best to give me feedback when I come up with new versions. He has gone as far as to ask me for 'something he can hold in his hand'. That means I need to produce an actual 'product'.

If I need to pass around the actual 'products', in order to get feedback, then I have let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. I won't be able to take it back and correct any flaws that may disillusion some who try it.

Hence, I become a little chicken.

That's one reason why I would thoroughly enjoy a psychic reading. (Smile.)

[ Last post of the evening coming in a minute... ]

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