Confused by pewee212002 ..... Cancer Forum
Date: 1/18/2006 6:39:03 AM ( 19 y ago)
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Hi all,
I dont want to start a major debate here but!!
Im confused about antioxidants. I have been told to take a large amount of antioxidants by my Nutritionist.
and I have taken them for four months believing they are helping me to halt the possible regrowth of a rare type of tumour called a GIST. I had a large tumour (23cm) resected last march from my small intestine. I was misdiagnosed for three years!!!. They took the whole thing out but I had High mytotic count, "fuzzy" margins and it was big so they have said to me there is a high risk of reoccurance. Having said that Im clear of all disease after three cts at the Marsden in london. My concern is that Im putting a lot of energy and money into taking supplements and antioxidants and I find the whole situation overwelming. Theres is so much conflicting info going on I dont know what to do. I feel a bit nervous about stopping the antioxidants if I have to as I have been led to belive they are the enemy of cancer cells.
May i add that I am seeing a brilliant herbalist and Ive started back on the "pee" twice a day after a break of two years. And doing Im doing a organic 60% raw diet, clean water type thing.
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