Re: Questions for Gaylen and Anunnaki. by golfegg ..... Cancer Forum
Date: 9/24/2004 9:34:30 PM ( 21 y ago)
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Hi Angielynn,
Yes some people have reactions with the lungs I've heard of. What I've heard is that the toxins are being oxidized instantly when you breath it and there is no harm. I've breathed pure ozone right out of the tube at a high volume a couple of times, & it did make me cough for about a 1/2 hour. After that my lungs felt like they were as clean as after mountain biking for a month. I can breath ozone at low volumes without any coughing at all though. You're not supposed to breath it like that though, but we breath it everyday when ozonating water for 1-2 hours. I haven't told everybody that my wife and I are both smokers. She used to have asmtha before we started using ozone. She hasn't had any symptoms since then & her doctor thought she stopped smoking because her lungs are so clear now. I've never heard of anyone having heart problems though.
There is a method of breathing ozone through oilve oil. This devise comes with the ozone generator when you order one from As always when doing alternative treatments, let your body be your guide. What is good for someone might not be for the next, all I can say is what we've experienced.
Yes you can have a detox reaction from ozone, a liver cleanse, or spirulina depending on your body & toxin load. Also I've never heard of any product that you can buy that delivers ozone, except a ozone machine, because 1/2 of the ozone made converts back to oxygen within a 1/2 hour, and all of it is gone within 24 hours. Thats why the EPA & FDA allow ozonated water to be sold, because it's gone by the time you drink it. Both those organizations say ozone is a toxin. They wouldn't allow it to be sold to the public if there was any ozone in it.
I'm glad to hear you are seeing success with your Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome & firbo! There are many people who have had success with these problems. You will have success if you keep going. Just do it at a pace that is comfortable for you. Some people go through large amounts & tough it out & some don't. Even if you have to go slowly you will conquer this. It will just take longer. Keep it up Angielynn!
Take Care,
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