Re: Radish Juice may dissolve gall stones. by Brother Avery ..... Liver Flush FAQ
Date: 6/1/2005 12:13:58 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 79,720
Hallo Skye and everybody else on this forum.
It's been a while since I posted on this forum. I`ve just been looking through some of the messages in the archives, and I have read the comment that some people are repeating the olive oil/lemon juice flush over and over showing that they are not getting cured. I also read the comment from a naturopath that olive oil and lemon juice may actually contribute to forming stones.
In the meantime, I`ve been taking a Japanese proprietary mixture of Chinese herbs for our problem, and within one week, the terrible itching I was suffering from completely disappeared. I have not run another liver enzyme check yet, but I suspect the values are much better than before. Now the Chinese doctor I see in Tokyo has never heard of the olive oil/lemon juice flush. Of course, she is familiar with gold coin grass, but tells me that this should be reserved for cases of jaundice and fever arising from gallbladder problems. On the other hand, she does agree that the gold coin grass makes the stones smoother and easier to pass.
Despite taking her prescription, I still have some aching pain around the gallbladder, and nausea. I find that one tablespoon of the gold coin grass tincture in half a cup of water removes the nausea very quickly, but I think it is too much to hope that it will dissolve my huge stone on its own. In addition, her prescription seems to be giving me several bouts of diarrhoea a day, so we will be modifying it. I am tempted to try an olive oil/lemon juice flush, but I am holding off because I consider there is a real possibility that toxic accretions from the gallbladder may get stuck in the bile ducts where they will do more damage than in the gallbladder itself. In other words, I remain convinced that the best solution to this dilemma is to dissolve the stone right where it is inside the gallbladder,
because that's where it crystallized from the bile in the first place. The key solution would appear to be to modify the bile so that it can re-dissolve the stone.
The Western doctor said that the stone is so big, it would prevent any medicine from getting in or out of the gallbladder via the gallbladder opening. Nevertheless, there is always secretion from the gallbladder walls, because however dysfunctional the gallbladder may be, it still has a blood supply. Therefore, I'm going to continue with the gold coin grass, and any other effective preparations I can find.
I view my gallbladder and liver problem as originating in bile stagnation due to lack of exercise, since for the last several years I spent almost every waking hour sitting down at the computer translating convoluted Japanese into understandable English. As I also suffer from congestive prostatitis, this deduction would appear to be correct. From now on, I intend to spend 30 minutes every day kicking a football around from now on to help tip the balance in the right direction.
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