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Re: Radish Juice may dissolve gall stones. by Skye7W ..... Liver Flush FAQ

Date:   5/17/2005 6:52:10 PM ( 19 y ago)
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I wouldn't blame the GCG on moving stones from the liver to the gb as that is going to happen anyway. They move into the gb with the bile produced in the liver. The gb just stores it and then squeezes it onto fat when consumed. So if the liver is making stones, the gb will also store those.

I know that the lack of symptoms does not mean the lack of disease. It just means that the disease has fallen below symptom level. But my logic is this: If you "feel" improvement that can be measured by going from discomfort to lack of discomfort you can measure what is working in your favor and then continue on with that treatment even after symptoms have disappeared.

If the gb is eventually filled with sludge and not one huge calcified stone, it will lose some of the sludge with each flush, the inflammation will go down, and it will slowly heal. No, obviously, completely filled with a stone, it cannot squeeze it out. But when it was filled with a few stones, you saw that it could indeed get rid of a couple of them. It apparantly has some function.

I can only speak for myself, Brother Avery, and the GCG Tincture for two weeks followed by a gb flush with olive oil and fresh squeezed red grapefruit juice (and don't forget the Epsom Salt cleansing before and after and to that I'd add a coffee enema on the after side and a full colonic if you can afford one) gave me the most dramatic results for a sick gb left unattended for a year. I then did flushes every two weeks until I had done four. That is what it took for my gb to stop hurting. Honestly at the time, I feared my gb to be necrotic but forged ahead on my own, both out of my determination to self heal and my lack of funds or health insurance.

I'm about to rinse and repeat as I've felt twinges in my right side and back. My diet has sucked lately due to an increase in my social life. Being pure and having a life somehow don't mix well where I live, which is a hick town where every food served contains meat and is most likely fried. My choices are basically being reclusive or consuming crap from time to time while out. I also tend to stop doing the healing things once the syptoms stop and one really shouldn't do that at all. That is the time to stick to the toning liver tinctures.

What I've noticed in your posts is that you seem to do something for about a week and then change your mind and go to something else. My advice is that you choose a course and stick with it. My hope is that you'll return to the GCG tincture for 2 weeks and then do a flush. See for yourself the results. The stone sludge comes out a charcoal briquette and you make feel constipated. It all sticks together like wet sand. But it floats. And that is the "tell". That which contains cholesterol floats in the stool. A couple of those rather large items and you will realize what you have cleased. That's in addition to the obvious floating green bile stones which will mostly be from the liver.

Don't give up on something because it doesn't work right away. It tooks years to get you in the condition you are in. Give a course of treatment at least two months before giving up on it. Read all the testimonials here. Your body doesn't differ that much from the others here. What has worked for others can also work for you.

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