- how long time it took to create stones
- place where stones were created ...
- general liver health and quality of bile
We could speculate and say that it is at least 10 times more likely for green stones to come from your liver, then it is to come from your gallbladder.
Transparent green stones are mainly composed of pure cholesterol and very little bile pigment (giving them green color) ... with no proteins, no calcium ...
Stones formed inside gallbladder may also be transparent, but because gallbladder can secret protein ... gallbladder stones are more likely not to be transparent ... especially if stones were there for very long time ... (months or years)
But, one thing is sure:
The healthier your liver, diet and your lifestyle are, the more likely it is for stones to be transparent.
Stones are usually not transparent when there is a lot of other substance mixed in bile ... giving them other colors and making them more "dirty"
Stones are usually green, bright and transparent when creation process was short: few hours, few days, or few weeks ...
The longer time it takes to create stones ... the more likely it is for stone to be created in many layers, and to be not as transparent or bright ...
If stone was created during longer time ... chances are that stone will be composed of bile of different quality, making it not as bright and not as transparent, and not as homogenous ...
Stone crystallization is the process that may start :
inside liver (intrahepatic bile ducts) and finish there ... in other words complete stone was created inside intrahepatic bile ducts, inside liver
inside liver (intrahepatic bile ducts) and finish inside common bile duct ... in other words stone was partially created inside intrahepatic bile ducts (inside liver) and then it moved into common bile duct and it continued to grow inside common bile duct (common bile duct is outside liver)
inside liver (intrahepatic bile ducts) and finish inside gallbladder ... in other words stone was partially created inside intrahepatic bile ducts (inside liver) and then it moved into gallbladder and continued to grow inside common bile duct (common bile duct is outside liver)
inside common bile duct (outside liver) and finish inside common bile duct ... in other words stone was completely created inside common bile duct (outside liver)
inside gallbladder (outside liver) and finish inside gallbladder ... in other words complete process of crystallization and creation of the stone has happened inside gallbladder
Because there are so many possibilities, it is impossible to know exactly what happened with each stone ...
We have very many factors like:
- quality of bile (affected by liver health, our lifestyle, diet, stress, .....infinite number of possibilities )
- place where stones were created (5 possibilities)
- duration of time that creation process of each stone has taken (infinite possibilities)
Each stone may have it's own life ... it's own history ... it's own composition ... and we can only speculate about it ... there is no way for us to know exactly what happened? where? how? ... and even if there was a way .. do we really need to know?
All you really need to know is this:
Once you do 2 -3 flushes with no stones ... it usually means that you are clean ... it means that you finally found diet and lifestyle that prevents fast stones formation ..
One thing is common for most people who achieved this goal:
- They consume large amount of fat on daily bases ... good fat, not fat from fast food, fried food, or margarine ...
The more fat you consume ... the less likely you are to have stagnated bile inside your liver/gallbladder/bile ducts
- Most people don't have to be vegetarians in order to prevent stones formation
- Most people don't have to be taking supplements in order to prevent stones formation
Actually, quite many people following vegetarian diet are more likely to be on the low fat diet ... putting them in the higher risk of producing stones ...
I have too often seen references on this forum where people speculate that shift to vegetarian diet is suppose to prevent stones formation ...
That may be true for 10% or 15% of people ... but it is not true for everybody.
Nothing is true for everybody. Every person have to find his/her own truth ... and even when they find it ... ther is no warannty that it will last ... we are going through constant change!!!