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Finally completed my 6th cleanse, I feel great! by #162391 ..... Liver Flush FAQ

Date:   10/31/2002 5:11:37 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   39,863

Hey Friends,

I started my 6th cleanse last night. I had planned on doing it a month ago but something always seemed to come up. I wasn't forced to do it because of pain either. It has been almost two months since #5 so I thought this one might produce a lot of stuff. It has been the cleanest yet, producing only about three 3/8" hard stones this time and no more than 75 to 100 smaller soft green ones. I had about 1/4th the chaff this time as well. I slept almost all night without even having the least bit of an upset stomach. This has been the best one since the first one.

I can only say thanks to all of you who have encouraged me and the ones who were brave enough to report their own struggles with trying such a backwards,(ha!) Neanderthal medical treatment. Actually, it is the very best thing that I have ever experienced in healing. This may not be a cure but with a lifestyle change and maintenance cleanses when complete, I will live happier and healthier because I don't have to rely on some drug that is doing who knows what to my whole system just to keep some symptom repressed. I am grateful to retain my gallbladder that modern medicine said had to come sooner or later out or I could count on a trip to the Emergency Room to have it removed and possibly die because I waited too long. I thank God, that He lead me to this site and let me make it long enough to do my first cleanse.

I am sorry for going on so long but this morning about 6am right after I woke up, my gallbladder and liver started to sing to me ;-) as it started to make all those noises that have been silent for so long. It was good to hear the gurgles and swishing noises of bile being sent on its much healthier way than before. There hasn't been any real pressure in my liver/gallbladder area in a long time so I know it is working much better now. I told you all about eating the Mexican food a week or so ago, that has been the first time I have heard those noises in a long, long time. I am feeling great today, my head is even clearer than it has been.

Again thank you all so much, I would hug even chicken-soup if he were around. You all take care and may God bless you in everything you do.

In Christ,
Charles Hilton


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