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Re: Can I suffer gallstones attack while doing liver and gallbladder cleanse ? by Pam ..... Liver Flush FAQ

Date:   3/23/2002 2:14:16 AM ( 23 y ago)
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> Questions:
> > Can I suffer Gallstones attack while doing liver and gallbladder cleanse ?
> > Is it normal to feel pain when doing liver cleanse?
> > What to do to relieve pain ?


One thing I have found to relieve pain from any gallbladder attack is this: you can massage the stones out of the bile ducts.
To do this you lie one your back and put some oil on your abdomen. First massage the left side pushing from the bottom of the
ribcage out toward the belly button.(this clears the small intestine) Do this all along the rib cage, starting at the bottom of the sternum, or the solar plexus area.

Next do the middle (from sternum to the belly button), then the other side. You will need to massage much more on the right side where the gallbladder is. This can painful, but just do as much as you can tolerate. Keep at it and use your hand as a wedge to push the stones out. Eventually you
will hear a gurgling or feel a little pop and the stone will have moved. You will know when the stone has moved when you can apply a
lot of pressure to the right side and there is a big improvment in the pain level, or no pain at all.

The next thing to do is to put some moist heat on it and rest. Don't eat anything for several hours, then start easy, with broth or juice and see how it goes. It works better if you can get someone else to do the massage because they will be able to go deaper into the abdomen, but make sure you get them to cut their fingernails or it can be pretty painful!

It's important to try to start from as far under the rib cage as possible. I do this massage all the time and it works great. Don't give up, sometimes this can take awhile and be pretty

The other thing you can do during any gallbladder attack is to make yourself throw up. Keep drinking water and throwing up untill
all the food gets flushed out. This handles the pain instantly, but it's pretty unpleasant. Of course, anyone who has been lying in bed
screaming with an attack will know that even this unpleasantness is worth it if the pain goes away. My back sometimes will cramp
up after throwing up, and also my stomach, but moist heat and a friendly massage handles this quickly.

One last word of advice. There are some gallbladder herbs that one can get in Chinatown that flush the stones out. I've never had
any problems with these.

I would have to fax the prescription to anyone interested, as it's in Chinese. Feel free to e-mail me personally for this information.

My e-mail address is

I hope this helps.


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