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Re: You should try flushing your liver by Spirit ..... Psoriasis Support Forum

Date:   2/11/2006 7:00:54 PM ( 19 y ago)
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If you are unable to tolerate large number of foods that most other people have no problems tolerating, you most likely have a serious problems with your liver and your intestines. Try to search the web on Leaky Gut Syndrome.

To fix your liver, try to flush your liver 5 to 10 times.

Liver is the main organ inside human body who's function is to process substances that are 'foreign' to our body and to make them "friendly".

The circulatory system of the liver is unlike that seen in any other organ. Of great importance is the fact that a majority of the liver's blood supply is venous blood! The pattern of blood flow in the liver can be summarized as follows:

Roughly 75% of the blood entering the liver is venous blood from the portal vein.
All of the venous blood returning from the small intestine, stomach, pancreas and spleen converges into the portal vein. One consequence of this is that the liver gets "first pickings" of everything absorbed in the small intestine, which is where virtually all nutrients are absorbed.
So, it is liver's job to process all the foods that your intestines have been absorbing.

The remaining 25% of the blood supply to the liver is arterial blood from the hepatic artery.
If you've developed allergies or intollerance to foods, you most likely have liver and gall bladder malfunction due to numerous intrahepatic stones and/or gallstones.

Most allergies are caused by primary liver stones (intrahepatic stones).
Leaky gut syndrome is another problem.

If I were you, I would start working on my bile ducts!



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