Re: Shelley - Should I do a liver flush? by shelleycat ..... Ask Shelley # 2
Date: 10/17/2004 8:48:34 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,073
In general I think everyone should flush their liver s twice a year, and do a series of they are symptomatic. There are lots of options as to what kind of flush you do. You can do a 5-day flush veyr simply, or a more dramatic evening flush like the Clark protocol and change it to suit your needs, such as lowering the dose of Es or skipping it entirely. What the Clark protocol fails to do is offer up lots of alternatives for softening the stones and clearing out the bile ducts prior to the flush, which makes for a much easier flush, as well as neglective to prepare the digestive system with peppermint or ginger tea. So be sure to review the Liver notes, all the posts having to do with the liver and you'll see you have lots of options. Find whatever ones you're comfortable with and go for it! :)
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