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Re: Amazing! Symptoms are clearing! by Russ ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   7/25/2002 9:20:40 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   7,601

Hi Viva,
You can find negative info for any kind of 'Natural Healing' product on the net. Most of the negative things you read about CS is all propaganda put out by the FDA/pharms because they know how well CS works, and they are loosing millions of $$$ every year, because people are much wiser to synthetic drugs, and all their bad side effects. With my MHVAC CS it is non-toxic, no side effects. The body utilizes what it needs and eliminates the rest, just like any other nutrient. As with any kind of product there is good quality and bad. On my site there is a link called 'CSUses', click on that, then scroll down to "Not all Colloidal Silver s are the same", this will educate you more to what CS is all about.
Also, you can buy CS in any health food store, it's very expensive, and the quality is poor because of the short shelf life. Obviously the gov would not let them sell CS in health food stores, if it were harming anybody. (but they will let the FDA put out thousands of "approved" drugs that are killing people every year, go figure) I personally take 1 ounce of my MHVAC CS, 3x a day, for the past 6 years, and I have never been sick or had so much as a sniffle for 6 years. Also,I think my two daughters are the only kids in school that never get sick.

The eczema/itching you describe is Candida/toxins coming out of your system. This is good, the toxins must come out. Our ESM oil can stop your itching and heal the rashes. Your tongue is the best indicator as to what is going on in your body. If it is coated, you still have candida/toxins in your system. What many people don't realize is that Candida is a "systemic infection", meaning that it is traveling around your blood stream, infecting your organs, especially the thyroid and adrenals. These liver, colon, gallbladder clenzes are good, but when it comes to Candida, it must be destroyed 'systemically' throughout the whole body, other wise the Candida will only proliferate. This is why our protocols have worked so well for thousands of people. Probiotics or acidophilus is also good, but, only after you have cleaned out all the Candida/toxins in your system. Most people with Candida infections don't have any 'good flora' left in their system, so it is vital to get rid of the bad flora first, then replace the 'good flora' with acidophilus, and I always recommend getting at least a '7 strain'.
If you send me an email, I will send you our 'protocol questionnaire',this will help me understand better what is going on in your system. Also, I will send you a password to my "Natural Healing Solutions", discussion forum, so you can read the many results from others with all kinds of ailments.
In regards to your gas/bloating I will post a simple solution to get rid of it, following this. I look forward to helping you.

> Russ,
> I read the link to your website. I wanted to know if there are any negative reports on taking Collidial Silver and your brand specifically. I'm still trying to eliminate the candida symptoms.
> I've done Oxygen therapy with fairly good results overall, but not knowing how long to take it, I just continued until I completed the bottle. Then switched to Activated Charcoal (suggested by someone on the site for the eczema I've developed on my hand after my first liver/gallbladder cleanse). It seems to elivate eczema itching in the morning and the idigestion after eating but not sure if this is getting the stuff out of my intestines.
> I am not experiencing tremendous discomfort or anything, no longer do I have vaginal yeast infections however sometimes I can't explain the toxic feeling I am having, the bloating, then this eczema thing... I would like to experiment with your product but am interested in knowing if there are any side effects or bad reports... I seem to recall some message on this discussion board stating the Colliodial Silver was not all that safe... your experience and clarity about this would be appreciated.
> One other thing, someone suggested I just add a good Probiotic to my health regime for these symptoms... what are your thoughts on probiotics and candida elimination?
> best,
> viva

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