Borax and citric acid perm by Paint Lady ..... Hulda Clark Support Forum # 1 [Arc]
Date: 11/29/2002 2:01:43 PM ( 23 y ago)
Hits: 4,673
I've been using the borax "shampoo" as Dr. Clark recommends for about a month now. It's had the effect of putting so much curl into my already wavy hair that it looks like it had been permed. Since I like curly hair but don't like to put all the chemicals of a perm solution on my head I thought that this was a pretty cool alternative for someone who wants a natural perm. All I had to do was go get a layered cut so that all that curl really showed itself off. It's not a tight curl so I do have to scrunch it while it's drying.
The only drawback I have had is that it did make my hair very dry so now I'm on a search for a natural conditioner. I've been told to buy placenta and cholesterol but I don't care too much for the idea of using placenta so I'm trying to think of some other protien to use in place of it.
Take care,
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