Re: I want to do by boldyloxx ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan
Date: 7/26/2006 6:44:42 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,901
Hi! I'm fairly new to this also!-- having started about 1 1/2 years ago.
I probably am about 85% raw vegetables and fruits , because I do eat Organic made toasted rye bread with my salads ;-)
Sometimes I dont follow any recipes, but just make up in my head what appeals to me.
Make sure to have tasty home-made salad dressings, raw lemons and limes (to squeeze on things for taste when the mood strikes you ) unrefined balsamic vinegar, raw apple cider vinegar, unrefined olive oil, etc.
Bragg's makes really delicious all natural salad dressings.
Today for supper (and for tomorrows' lunch) i raided our fridge to see what veggies I could cut dice up and make into a tasty cold salad with some raw goat's milk feta cheese cut up in it.
I found a zucchini, 2 stalks of celery, some raw garlic cloves, and some raw green beans, and some raw undried dill.
Washing the pesticides off with a natural veggie wash since we didnt have organic this week (you should see how grey the water turns after you clean the pesticides off!) I just cut up the veggies and threw into a large bowl.
I rolled a raw lemon on the cutting board to soften it's juices, and then cut in half and squeezed all over the cut up veggies.
Then I cut up some raw unpastuerized goat's feta cheese, and threw in a pinch or two of Asiago shredded cheese. Then I added some olive oil, and some raw apple cider and dark balsamic vinegar to taste.
Cutting up the raw garlic (about 2 cloves) and shredding in some dill, I tossed and let sit for a bit, while I toasted my home-made rye bread.
After the rye bread was lightly toasted, I slathered that with olive oil and shook some Thyme seasoning and garlic over the toast.
A true raw foodist would probably never ever have any raw cheese or bread, but I do in moderation-- At one time I never ate any veggies- but just was a meat and potatoe's , and dessert gal. If I eat cheese, it has to be raw unpasteurized goat's cheese (since it's the only type of dairy that doesnt turn to mucous in my body) and the only bread I eat is if it's organic flour home-made bread. I dont trust the food additives in mass produced bread.
A non-vegetarian friend gave this to me- and it is really awesome!
You need:
Course grain Sea Salt
A cucumber or two (depending on how much you want to make)
Mint leaves
A lime or two
Pepper-- White pepper, or any kind you like
Slice the cucumber and mix in a bowl with the cut up mint leaves. Squeeze the lime of all juice-- mix in.
Sprinkle some course grain Sea Salt and pepper to taste.
This is a refreshing salad on a hot day- and if you leave in the fridge overnight, it has an even more rich flavor
cut up a cucumber (if organic, you can leave the skin on) , some mint leaves, and a lime.
1/4 CUP OF raw sunflower seeds
1/4 cup of raw pumpkin seeds
1 cup of berries-- or actually any fruit you desire. I sometimes even cut up a peach into chunks and add that if no berries are available.
2 Tablespoons or more of Raw 100% genuine maple syrup (Not the imitation stuff)
A sprinkle of Raw almonds (amount as desired)
2 tablespoons of olive oil.
I just mix all the nuts and berries/fruit into a bowl-- squirt in some olive oil and the maple syrup, and eat this in the car on my way to work. It really fills you and provides your body with good essential oils and fats, as well as trace minerals and vitamin C from the fruit. Lately, I've been also adding a squirt of hemp oil and a squirt of flax seed oil into the mix-- especially around my period time when my body is in need of these oils.
I won't eat any nut unless it is raw-- except for home-made roasted peanut-butter and blueberries on rice cakes.
In the Fall, when fruits are in short supply, I will use a cut up apple if no other fruit is in season.
For lunches, I also will slice some raw tomatoes (best if from the garden or organic)
and toss in some raw basil, and sprinkle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I will sometimes also add raw onion slivers to this-- and enjoy this at lunch at work too.
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