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Re: Why am I so bloated? by Lapis ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   6/27/2006 6:13:32 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   20,578

It is necessary for you to answer some of the questions posed to you so you can get some help. Others including myself have asked questions but so far they have been left unanswered.

You seem more to be keying in on people who are skeptical about RAW in which case this forum is NOT the best place to interact. Someone saying that RAW is harder to digest is not help but leads someone away from RAW and is a misinformed statement based on experience by those who are successfully RAW. Then suggesting fish oils, etc, is also divisive in a RAW vegan forum. Sorry you can't see this. If you have any questions, there are RAW people here who can help you. If you are seeking non RAW info, or more generalized dietary info there are other forums for that.

Catsclaw says:

"I started the raw diet about 4 days ago, and a few things started happening to me, and I'm beginning to think that perhaps this diet may be a little unsafe. My tongue turned orange. Is that normal?? Am I doing damage to myself?? Also, I am so down, depressed, and tired? I just can't get a lift.. I don't want to do any permanent damage. Please advise me. Is this just what I'm supposed to go through before it gets better??? If it is, how long does it last? I just don't feel like doing anything. I can't think straight, and I just feel so down. Please help. I don't want to damage myslef. Thanks."




Also many people who are suffering with candida have an emotional component to their situation and adressing it can be very helpful. Such things as EFT and TATA are a couple ways to begin the process of emotional healing which will then enhance all other modalities, especially dieatary changes.

Good Luck



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