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Re: Why am I so bloated? by oopsadaisy ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   6/27/2006 3:20:05 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   20,921

Raw food is far harder to digest than cooked food - raw vegetables in particular! Candida sufferers almost always have very poor digestion anyway, so an all-raw diet, in my humble opinion, is not likely to improve the condition - it may in fact worsen it. Please see for sensible, effective guidelines for curing candida. I had candida, and what worked for me was Liver Flushing in conjunction with a healthy Diet (consisting of raw AND cooked foods).

You may, of course, experiment with different diets/protocols to see what works for you. But if your symptoms are worse than they were before, perhaps your body is trying to tell you something!


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