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Candida...Nasty Bugger/Need help with this/Tried Everything including Threelac by katyrose ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   2/11/2006 6:50:17 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   5,901


I've been going on this disease for nearly 8 years of my life. I was bedridden for two. My daughter is now 12 and thank GOD my husband has been supportive. I have spent thousands of dollars including accupuncture, homeopathic doctors, regular doctors. All bloodwork comes out great, negative for Lyme and all other diseases. I tried Threelac and it worked the first time, but when I ordered it the second time, apparently the candida was immuned to it, if that makes sence. I've tried the diets but still am sick. I have tried Colon Cleanses and still am sick all the time. I am currently on a wheat/gluten free diet and still feel horrible. I know this is candida because I have been tested for it. This is a stubborn, horrible thing. I am besides myself after trying method after method and I feel some relief but I am still unable to work.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I am basically at step one, once again.


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