Re: How Many Deaths? by objoyfl ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 1/15/2006 11:05:40 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 2,243
Hi rlm,
Someone mentioned either here or on the alkaline/acid board that an inability to become alkaline could have also to do with mineral malabsorption. Makes sense and if so, that will take awhile to turn around. Have to get gut in shape first.
Me too on the eating. I eat as many alkaline forming foods as I can, but I still need the acid forming proteins and a little grain or yogurt, as now I'm not really sick anymore. Still have to watch it though.
One thing I know helps me stay more alkaline is the Alkalife drops. You put two drops in a 10-12 oz. glass of water and it alkalizes the water. Also, someone mentioned a device that alkalizes your water. You can taste the difference. It goes down almost rich and smooth instead of harsh. It even feels comforting in a way.
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