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Why am I losing so much weight? by Grand Dizzy ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   12/23/2005 8:06:42 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   3,549

I'm so worried about my weight. Everyone I know is. 18 months ago I was 15 stone (big but not overweight). Now I'm 11 stone, and underweight for my height. I'm totally weak and my arms and legs have gone skinny. I used to be a 40 inch waist and now I'm a 26 and getting smaller all the time.

But I don't understand it because I have big, big meals. Since I started my anti-candida diet I'm still probably eating more than most people eat. Just no sugar.

Is massive weight loss normal for a candida diet? Will my weight ever stabilise? Is there anything I can eat to fatten myself up?

I take...

Antifungals: grapefruit seed extract, pau d'arco & Yeast Raiders, garlic capsules
Probiotics (lactobiophilus)
Enzyme (pancreatin)
Detox: aloe vera, flaxseed oil
Also: fish oil, vitamin C supplements, vitamin B supplements (yeast free)

I eat...
Mostly organic meat, fish and veg; potatoes; porridge; rice milk; eggs; water. I occasionally have wheat-free sausages.

I also eat a "Gillian McKeith's Energy Bar" every day.

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