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Fructo-oligosaccharides(FOS)/inulin-good or bad? Opinions please! by rlm79 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   11/23/2005 11:55:38 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   7,272

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to get your thoughts on this. Someone told me to eat Jerusalem Artichokes, a great source of FOS. I have been eating them but I did a little bit of reading today and some sites say FOS is great since it is undigestible by our stomach and travels to the large intestines and promotes fermentation/feeds friendly bacteria. Then some sites say it is bad for you because it feeds bad bacteria/yeast as well.

Sometimes it is so hard to know what to believe because everyone has a different opinion/medical advice and it is so overwhelming at times. Anyone of you know for a fact if these are good or bad and if so how do you know what information to trust on this? Thanks.

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