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5th a lot, 6st nothing, 7th a lot again. And some questions. by margaret ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   3/3/2002 1:38:16 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   1,410


On my 5th flush a had the most dramatic results so far. Many many stones and a lot 1 to 2 cm. After that cleanse I did not feel a 100 %.
After two weeks I did my 6st cleanse. I got almost nothing out. May be 10 the size of 1/4 of a pea. I did feel a little better after a few days than the previous two weeks.
Again after two weeks I did my 7th flush and a got a lot of stones out again. Small ones and a lot of 1/4 to 1 cm. Also they were all bright green.
I feel even better now. No strange tenderness in the liver area.
I will flush again in two weeks.

I wonder why on the 6 st flush I got nothing out? The 5th and 7th flushes were on almost full moon days. Does any one know if the moon makes SUCH a big difference? Another clue could be that on the 6st flush I did drink after 2.00 pm and I did not do so on the other flushes.

Hulda Clark says that during each flush you empty just one of the many bile ducts. She says you have thousands of them? That would take so many flushes to totally purify your liver? Not 10 to 30???

When you drink the 1/2 cup of olive oil, does it empty just the galbladder, or do stones also make it out from the liver, through the galbladder that very flush session?
Will I in two weeks get stones out that that after the flush could travel to an emptied galbladder?
Does anyone know how that works?
And thank you Agnes for this great website and answering my question last time!

Thank you,


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