Re: Is this a die-off? by #47594 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 10/30/2005 1:35:13 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 6,044
Well, there is your problem. Your scalp isn't exfoliating enough, because you aren't washing it. If you insist on not using shampoo, then use some baking soda or salt to scrub your scalp. It will loosen the dead skin cells and and help prevent the dandruff. Ideally, you would mix baking soda or salt with some olive oil, but if you aren't using soap, I don't know how you would rinse the oil off.
Primitive tribes also had lice and other health problems caused by poor hygiene. There are plenty of natural sopas and shampoos on the market. Surely you can find something to use when bathing.
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