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Re: Blenders, Food Processors - Destroy Enzymes? by Owen ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   2/18/2005 2:00:56 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   14,515

Dear Anja,

I wouldn't worry about your blender
destroying enzymes. As I understand
it, enzymes are destroyed when the
food they are in, is heated above
112 degrees. My dehydrator heats
dried fruits and veggies to 105
degrees, so the enzymes are preserved. Your blender isn't going
to heat your juice anywhere near
that temperature, especially if the
food is coming out of your fridg.

I have a Vita-Mix, and I love it!
It has the capability to turn the
liquids in it, into hot soup, but
I've never used that capability.
It quickly reduces everything to pulp, without any noticeable heat.
My intuition tells me that all the
enzymes in blended foods are alive
and well.

Nevertheless, it's a good idea to
take at least one digestive enzyme
capsule a day (three is even better), unless you're a pure vegan.
Doctor Jon Barron, a man I trust,
says that digestive enzymes are THE
most important supplement anyone can

Enjoy your juices!



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