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Intestinal cleansing and gall stone treatment by #95945 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   2/23/2002 4:46:54 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   2,693

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Intestinal cleansing and gall stone treatment

When I had gall stone pains, I went to the hospital, to confirm that it was gall stones. I got an appointment for ultra-sound scanning, and later I should arrange a date for an operation. I said that I would only be operated on if it was absolutely necessary, and that I would first try an old-fashioned oil therapy to get the stones out.

At home in the yoga school I did the intestinal cleansing first. It took a little longer than usual, as I couldn't do the exercises thoroughly due to the pain, which felt as if there was a knife just below the ribcage on the right side. After the intestinal cleansing I rested for an hour as usual, and then - instead of the food - I drank a litre of olive oil. I had a slice of orange ready, so that after every swallow I chewed on the orange before I could taste the oil. I managed to drink the oil by thinking about the operation I was avoiding and the two week stay in the hospital afterwards. Since then I have heard from others, that it is sufficient with two decilitres of oil, which works just as well.

The next couple of hours I needed to rest again, so that the oil could work in peace. I lay on my right side and waited for the gall stones to come out. I went to the toilet a few times, but only oil and slime came out. At one point I gave up waiting, and ate the food and took it easy the rest of the day.

The next morning, when I went to the toilet, a large green gall stone as big as the nail on my thumb came out, and the pain was gone!

There was still a heavy sensation around the gall bladder, so I repeated the same process again a week later - intestinal cleansing, rest, this time only half a litre of oil, then again rest and food. The next morning I was prepared and caught over thirty smaller gall stones in a sieve.

A few days later I did the treatment for the third time. This resulted in more than half a handful of gall stones the size of grains of sand - and the last heavy sensation around the gall bladder was gone.

The time had come for a close examination before the operation. I took the small grass green stones in a glass to the hospital and told them what I had done and that there was no longer any pain. The scan showed that there were no more stones left. The doctor's conclusion was, "you can't just go home and remove the gall stones yourself, so there has probably been a misdiagnosis from the start." The slightly elder doctor, who performed the ultra-sound examination said to me in all confidence that research was being carried out on the effect of fatty acids on gall stones.

This all happened thirteen years ago, and I haven't had any more stones since. I have done the treatment quite a few times just to be on the safe side, but only green liquid from the gall bladder comes out. Naturally, I do yoga exercises that keep the gall bladder and the other digestive organs in form. Other teachers and students at our schools, who have tried the treatment, have had equally good results from it. Some have waited with the food, and have instead washed the stones out with the help of the small intestinal cleansing, where only six glasses of salt water are drunk.

A similar oil therapy is used by some health farms and natural doctors. My late grandmother removed her gall stones by drinking double cream and melted butter.

If you have a problem with the gall bladder yourself, you can contact an experienced yoga teacher at one of our schools.



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