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Blenders, Food Processors - Destroy Enzymes? by anja ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   2/17/2005 9:27:15 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   15,908

I'm trying to transition back to mostly raw, although it's a tough one in cold weather! I've got a Green Star juicer coming today, in fact, since my Norwalk is out on indefinite loan. My teeth have taken a beating overthe years after improper orthodontics, etc., they are not strong anymore, and there is a limit to how much major chewing I can do in a day, so I need to pre-pulverize the raw stuff when I can.

I love the idea of raw veggie "soups," and I've made nut pates & raw veggie spreads in the past. I know the big benefit to a raw diet is supposed to be the life force energy and enzymes, but I hear a lot of talk about how high RPM motors (in some juicers and blenders like Vitamix) generate too much heat and destroy enzymes. Nothing I've ever blended in a blender or food processor ever feels warm to the touch if it wasn't warm to begin with, so I don't know whether it's actual temperature that's the problem, or just the speed of the blades riping into the vegetables & fruits... ?

Does anyone have the definitive answer on the enzyme preservation issue when one uses modern devices like food processors to chop and puree things?

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