Re: I am going raw and it is an adventure!! by #38113 ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan
Date: 1/14/2005 12:13:18 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits: 8,898
Congrats on your raw life style! These posts have been very encouraging. This is all for future reference, of course. I am not sure I can resist the lure of fast food, commericials, my family's belief the love = food and last, but most relevant, my wonderful mate. I've slowly converted him to veggie/soy based meats (especially for b'fast) and only cook chicken/turkey/fish 1-2 a week. But there's only so far that I can push a traditional Spanish man...
Still, it's one of those goals that I'll hold onto until the last excuse has been given and I just do it!
Go raw foodies!
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