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Re: Fruit till noon? by SqueakyClean ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   9/3/2004 3:18:26 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   9,825

Yeah, I've heard that theory, but I think what is more important is the food combining - fruits only on an empty stomach theory. This goes for people eating cooked foods, and animal foods. Most important is to eat melon on an empty stomach, regardless of time of day. (Steak and baked potato, followed by watermelon? Please, you're asking for trouble!) Exceptions include pineapple and papaya. But if you're eating a raw foods diet I understand you can combine them all with the veggies or grains so I guess it really depends on what else you're doing, the overall picture. As they mentioned it depends on you, experimenting will help you know what is best. You could consider fresh vegetable juices until noon, this might have less Sugar but continue the detoxing effects.

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