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Joanne ... by Boyz ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   8/26/2004 5:34:51 PM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   10,122

Joanne, i'd like ask about simmering chickpeas, can i just simmer the chickpeas until it just slightly crunchy or just quite soft not until very very tender/soft, usually i boiled around 1 hours, before that i bring to boil for 10 minutes and soak it overnight and next morning cover with fresh water then boiling it for another 10 minutes then simmer 45-50 minutes

Do i have to boil it until very tender? there;s somethings to do if i'm not boiling it until very tender, the chickpeas will hard to digest or still contains toxin or somethings like that, Thanks


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