Re: ThreeLac Help! by yugo ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 5/3/2004 9:56:03 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits: 1,722
Hi JoJoe, I am a 49 year old female and didn't get hives, but I did get really anxious and started taking B-complex vitamins and magnesium. That helped with the anxiety. I was told that you can be deficient in B-12 and magnesium when you have yeast overgrowth.
I've heard of different die-off symptons. I got really tired when I'd move up a packet.
I've been on Threelac for 5 months and it has really helped me. I had candida for 30 years or more and didn't know it until I started researching and learned a lot. My doctors never told me any of my problems were related to Candida.
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