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Re: Dalpert by MangoBird ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   1/14/2004 11:12:33 AM ( 21 y ago)
Hits:   9,444

Since I am consulted by a holistic nutritionist and NDs regularly for my health I feel hesitant to believe what you are saying about soy. What are your sources for this information? From what I have read and have been told, the phytoestrogens in soy do not act in the same way that natural estrogens act in our bodies. I have been told that phytoestrogens (plant derived estrogens found in soy and other plants) are only risky for women who have had a diagnosis, or are at risk of, breast cancer. This is mainly because they (doctors) don't want to risk it no matter how slight the chance. From what I have read, there has been no definitive connection with phytoestrogens and hormone imbalance or breast cancer. In fact, the research, so far, indicates that in countries where prcessed soy/unprocessed soy is regularly eaten there are significantly lower Breast Cancer rates.

My wife and I have been eating primarily processed soy based products for years and in fact, I/we have no hormone instabillities or labido problems.

I realize that there is a lot of misinformation and contradictory Science about plant medicines, whole foods and holistic practices in general. This can be primarily attributed to a lack of regulation. I do not work in the health care industry and I am also learning about these things, so if you have proof to the contrary I would appreciate hearing about it. I believe that if one is interested in learning about such things it makes sense to get information from a researcher in the field, a Naturopathic doctor or a Holistic nutritionist. It is their job to keep up on the latest reliable research and they are more aware of where to find this research.

I like the American Botanical Council for the latest herb research and German E Monographs:

I also look here for health answers from time to time. You can also find a Naturopath in your area from the links below (US):


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