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Re: A Lack of Understanding by supersport ..... Evolution & Creationism Debate

Date:   4/8/2006 4:59:12 PM ( 18 y ago)
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To hear an evolutionist speak you'd think that a Godless evolution is as true as the sky is blue. His confidence is staggering. However the reality is there are huge, gaping holes that rip the at the integrety of such a concept. Some of these include the following....

Why is there SOMETHING instead of nothing?

Does the concept of a big-bang lend itself to a "creation event?"

How did life initially evolve from non-life?

You evolutionists love to refer to "random spontaneous mutagenic speciation," but where has that been observed or demonstrated?

What about the basically non-existent transitional fossils, of which there should be millions?

How can you explain conciousness?

If life evolved, shouldn't living things be nothing more than formless blobs soaking in their environment instead of brilliantly-created creatures -- all with a distinct purpose and a seemingly innate, pre-programmed set of instructions for living?

How can you explain the stunning beauty of everything?

How can you explain the concept of love -- and the miracle of pro-creation between male and female?

How can billions of people around the the world have a virtual built-in belief in divinity?

Why does praying make us feel good and help us heal?

If evolution is random and if life so easily emerges and evolves from its surroundings then why isn't our universe teeming with life?

Why are other animals instinctively afraid of humans if we're just another animal? Do they know something we don't?

Why have staggering sums of people of the course of history experienced a deep inner peace after beginning a loving relationship with their creator?

How can you explain the absolutely staggering conincidences and mathmatical improbabilities that had to happen for the world to form and for you to be here at this very moment?

How can everything look so designed and act with such purpose without a designer with purpose??

How can our body's internal cells, DNA, internal organs and brain all work seemlessly together -- without concious effort -- with wisdom and harmony to benefit the phsical organism where our spirit resides?

At inception the sperm fertilizes the egg...but how does the miracle of life and consciousness of one's self actually begin? Who or what breathes life and love into that person?

If humans have no purpose why do we so many people spend their lifetimes looking for it?

Much of Science at present is really the technology of describing how something works, its properties. I don't think scientists have a clue as to what life really is, and what its ultimate origin is. Obvioulsy not everything can be explained by Science -- however that's what many of you seem to put all your faith in.

Can I hear an Amen?


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