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Addicted to dates! by Zachel ..... Raw Food: The Vegetarian/Vegan

Date:   5/10/2003 6:41:18 PM ( 22 y ago)
Hits:   14,076

Hello everyone!

I've been almost 100% raw for about the past 3 weeks. My skin is softer and clearer, I'm losing weight, and generally feel happy and positive! So I'm really happy with this diet so far, and feel that it is right for me right now.

The only thing that worries me a bit is that for the past week/week and a half, I find myself seriously addicted to eating dates. I crave them every hour, and have to eat one or two fairly often. I think that they have a ton of sugar, and so I'm wondering if it's healthy for me to be eating so many of them. I haven't had much luck finding out the nutritional information on them, so I'm wondering if anybody has any insights on this. I know that there are far worse things out there for me to be eating, but the fact that they are so sweet and gooey makes me wonder how good they are for me.

Thanks! Take care.

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