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Re: Twelve Step Work by #53827 ..... Alchoholics Anonymous Support

Date:   12/9/2005 12:34:58 PM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,858

Sounds like what you labeled a sponsor is just a good member of our fellowship, I hope as a whole. I can here your kindness. Thank for the love, patience and tolerance not everybody has that and I wish that would be all that was needed.

What about helping others? Can you look around and see the recovery rate for new people today? With open mindedness and in your eyes can you present basic fearless questions and examples that can help another, anyone, anywhere? Don’t get me wrong, I believe you can.
Anything you disagree with that is mentioned below that you may think hurts another? May I ask why, where and who?
The best 12 step work ever done comes from one place and it is what the Big Book is about. pg 45 B.B - Today and with hope tomorrow, A.A. Groups as a whole has achieved the best 12 step work accomplished to date. Resulting in individuals “ intuitively knowing how to handle situations that us to baffle them”.
Singleness sponsorship is dangerous as it is the chief activator that isolates another from group principles, A.A. as a whole. You stated “and I was attracted to his brand of solution”, what about A.A.’s solution? That’s why sponsors are not mentioned in the 164 pages of the program (not programs) in the Big Book or even the Traditions written way after the steps.

Have you herd of Rollie H. - nickname 'Rollicking Rollie', early Cleveland AA, famous baseball player, catcher Cleveland Indians caught Bob Feller no-hitter May 1940, He was one of A.A.’s biggest sponsors - Bill W’s learned a lesson about sponsorship through him, before they knew where he went. That was were the 12th Tradition came? “ Bill W's “A.A. dream" he called it a spiritual awakining, was the hope that another alcoholic would be attracted to the A.A. message that comes from the group as a whole, not a messenger.”
Sponsorship is vaguely eluted to, not always in a good light like on page 43 of the 12&12.
I don’t understand this craze created today, maybe to old or responsible.
When babies, labeled by sponsors not A.A., goes out, the sponsor quickly tells others that “they wanted to drink more than they wanted to stay sober”, not realizing this ridicules statement, and the principles it breaks by the sponsor still speaking for the other, when not even present anymore. Is this to justify ONES own actions with the audacity to say they didn’t follow instructions?. Instructions of the sponsor? or A.A.’s traditions. The sponsor and Sect group craze started in the mid 70s and by the 1980 the recovery rate fell and has not returned since.
I would love to talk recovery simple one drunk talking to another.


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