Re: Quick Concern by Ohfor07 ..... Orgone Energy Support Forum
Date: 6/23/2006 8:31:24 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 4,656
Sorry I missed this thread when it appeared 28 days ago. Some of the concerns you raised are somewhat similar to one's I've contemplated.
The part that doeesn't raise my alarm are the simple acts of making basic orgonite and giving it away. This is as straightforward as baking a cake or batch of cookies and giving it to someone to enjoy. My gut feeling is that mixing resin with a glob of metal shavings that has a small quartz crystal or crystal chip embedded, and giving it away (or losing in strategic locations) is as evil as the custom of mom's weekly baking habits.
The aspects of my concern are basically twofold. 1) having followed the orgonite movement for over two years (via web forums, for instance), while I've noticed that the average person involved seems inclined to adhere to this basic formula as well as advising others - especially newbies, to follow the same, I've also noted many people who have somehow gotten to the point of taking the basic act of making orgonite (as described above) and adopted all kinds of their own additional embellishments, some of which they eventually begin to ascribe as being so important to making "good orgonite" that they are implied to be essential and required. Within these practices one will find various people who've raised this art to the level of ritual; 2) some of the ancillary activities that are commonly found among people involved with orgonite brush up against activities that I honestly have doubts about. Blasting/boosting is a good example. Just to be clear, when I say "have doubts", I mean this, I do not have any clear cut knowlege either way to guide me, I do not know (literal use of the word) if there is an inherent right or wrong to these situations. For now I tend to error on the conservative side while continuing to contemplate and seek guidance.
This quickly gets into a larger philosophical question and or debate. Yes, I'm aware that most well-known versions of the bible warn againsts the use of such things as divination, sorcery, and "passing one's self or child through the fire". If one is to be consistent, though, at the same time they are abiding by these supposed heavenly prohibitions, they should also be going without TV, radio, movies, media and other more obvious evil abominations that are a routine part of people's every day life. It doesn't help satisfy my conservative nature in this case that I have as many doubts about some well-known passages from well-known versions of the bible as I do about certain activity the same passages/bibles purports to prohibit. Just throwing this out there, if the Creator really intended to make known to his human creations prohibitions against certain activities by his human creations, would Creator really delegate this important message being passed on via select man's written version of Creator's word? Just seems like Creator would as likely take it upon himself to see that his creations are properly notified on a personal basis rather than delegating such duty to supposedly select human creations to do it for him. Just trying to give weight to the other view, if by chance certain well-known passages of popular versions of bibles were fraudulently revised to this effect, it certainly makes sense that such non-heavenly authorities do not want people at large getting wise to, using, learning and exercising skills referred to as "higher powers" like intuition, psychic ability, clairvoyance, telepathy. Plus, there is always the mystery to reconcile with the various chapters of the supposed bible that didn't make the cut, so to speak; for instance, the Enochian chapters which, co-incidentally, are alleged to go into greater detail on such skills/practices.
As a parting thought, even though facts of history suggests a lot of effort was expended by the establishment to expunge his existance, there is still the question of the life of Wilhelm Reich to consider. Some of the facts of his existance remain despite the apparent coverup. When's the last time we know of in this country that a person had their lifes work - books, research, findings, literally burned and destroyed? The basis for incarcerating Reich had nothing to do with the establishment's view and understanding of his research into orgone - they thoroughly avoided debate of the related scientific issues involved, which, in retrospect, probably makes sense from the point of view they likely had no clue from which to form an intelligent argument against him. They destroyed and imprisoned him solely on the principal that he was practicing without their approved license. Through the combined assistance of the various departments of the establishment government complex, at the time the FDA succeeded in having Reich sentenced to prison, they formally decreed and declared to the public - "orgone does not exist". So with respect to those who may want to give benefit of the doubt to the notion of a benevolent establishment position in this (quite a stretch, at that), if orgone does not exist, what is it exactly we are discussing here?
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