Re: Please share your experiences with "emotional cleansing"..... by detour ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 2/24/2006 2:53:16 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits: 959
Hi countrygirl_roni, and everyone else interested:
The largest obstacle to healing or cleansing ourselves are our minds. If one can not or is unwilling to stop doing drugs,smoking,drinking, etc, then one is not ready to be cleansed. It is not the toxins or other bad habits that are the culprits, it is the mind. Many people use The Master Cleanse as merely a fast weight loss program. For me it is not. It is a practice of cleansing and mastering one's self. A chance to start fresh and stay fresh ...Not detox and retox. To me that is insanity. To be controversial, I feel it is like performing an abortion for the reasoning: "bringing a new born into the world is 'not in the cards' or 'an inconvenience" or "I'm not ready"...a quick easy solution/cure all.
During my MCs (and especially this grande,45 glorious days) I don't focus on the fact that I'm not eating. Although like everyone ,I have my moments! I am mastering the art of control, of shutting off the primal need to ingest food. I know that I'm in control of what I do. It is the bad habits I have 'mastered' that I am conquering. The 'auto pilots' that are etched in my brain are what I want to obliterate!
How does one do that? It's not that easy. Simply not eating and drinking a gallon of lemonade for several weeks is not going to address the spiritual, emotional and mental healing. It is more complicated than that...or is it.
I firmly believe that our grief, is the main cause of guilt, sadness, depression, etc. These states incubate the addictions and bad habits we inflict on ourselves and hold us back from becoming the best we can be.
From the day we are born, we are destined for death,everything is destined for death...everything. American Indians would cry/grieve when a baby was born and rejoice when someone died. Being that grief is such an integral part of life , it is amazing that we are not trained for it,that grief is swept under the carpet,though every single one of us has and feels it every day.
"Keep your chin up", "Keep a tight upper lip", "Now,now, don't cry", "Stop crying". We have really been trained to 'hold it in'. Look at all the macho actors, the lines of pain are chiseled in their faces...just look at Bogart and all other male icons of past, our about stress! Fortunately, things have loosened up a bit in that respect.
I go to visit my mom in the hospital, and she is the one consoling everybody! Most people can't handle their own grief, let alone someone's who is dying.
My mom likes it when I just sit there ,being with her. Not sniveling about how sorry "I" am or how sad "I" am or "what am 'I' going to do". Sometimes we don't even talk. That's real communication.
We were just not taught how to deal with grief. Yet we can learn and we must if we really want to be happy and free of the road blocks that stop us from growing into what we 'can' be and deep down inside, what we want and need to be.
Our problem is we hang on to grief in the wrong way. In our minds(depression,addictions) and stomachs(ulcers,etc) instead of our hearts. The key is to embrace grief and our 'problems/challenges. The heart is bigger than any place.
I grieve over the loss of my childhood, youth. I rationalize that my youth has died ,never to return.Then I embrace the grief . I then realize that the wisdom & knowledge I have is of far greater importance and I cherish the thought. Grief is like an onion. Peel off a layer and there's another. Though , it gets smaller and smaller,until you reach the core. It's still there, just not as noticable,yet managable and easier dealt with it. The grief will always be there, but we need to store it in our hearts. Only then ,after we have faced and dealt with our issues, will we be able to enjoy our lives and be rid of the self destructive attributes we have developed due to our guilt, sadness and depressions,all caused by grief .
The best part about dealing with my grief and 'moving on',is that I now realize that EVERYONE HAS GONE THROUGH OR IS IN THE SAME PAIN AS I.
Think about that next time you look into a stranger's eyes. We are not that different at all.
Time for my swf...wouldn't it be great if we could just flush down all our problems?
Nah...challenges are just part of life...not boring at all!
gotta goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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