pneumonia by MH 108 8 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 2/28/2025 9:06:52 PM ( 10 h ago)
Hits: 20
pneumonia means basically you "drown' in your own fluids/waste-
when your obese, double weight, etc. and old, it is amazing if they can help you--
the rich use the best oxygen chambers--
garlic can do wonders----on the bottoms of the feet...beware it can burn the feet when done wrong. Nothing better than fresh smashed garlic---apply petroleum jelly or better yet-- real coconut oil, olive oil, etc.
The idea is to drag the fluids down and out of the lungs. Naturally wild oregano oil on bottoms of the feet superior or mixed with garlic or essential oil of garlic is a beast of an herb.
essential oil of wild oregano oil and or essential oil of garlic in the "air" and keep that air very moist--does wonders.
The same theory, same proper use applied to the chest and spices as can be tolerated can do wonders..
Deep Earth Mineral Salt---a pinch in the mouth as needed and especially at bed time- can put a stop to that cholesterol "mud" being produced in the lungs to protect the tissues..
Wild Oregano Oil is 1 of the most potent lung herbs on earth; as is Lobelia and especially Lobelia seed. 200+ years ago Lobelia Seed sold for $1,000 per pound........
The real sitz bath is a miracle treatment that cost nothing---but once near dead with pneumonia that is not something many can do....they waited too long. What they can do, is take long hot bath and then put on plenty pajama and then put on ice cold socks and crawl in bed----when breathing is tuff, you keep the chest plenty warm---keep the mud "liquid".
No one should ever have pneumonia ever in life----the Dr. Hay Way Orange Juice Fasting done properly is a cure-all, especially for all breathing issues.....stops the mud, restores the breathing fast.
lack of "Education" is the problem--always....
the worse thing on earth is an IV when you are drowning in your own fluids...
to allow your self to double in weight, shrink, turn hard at any age---is a bad lack of education and desire for life......people never die of old age, they die as a result of what goes in their mouth---Nature has the Only Cure... surgeons/drugs are for those that fought Nature and Nature always wins in the long run..
Something as simple as the orange, was proven by Dr. Hay and his medical friends approx. 100+ years ago....and all over medical agreed by 1950---it cures all and that scared them so badly; they all ran the opposite direction to drugs....when oranges are used with a few simple herbs, it is 10x better and 10x easier than all of medical ever knew possible...just my opinion.
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