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toy sub by #69242 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   6/20/2023 12:58:51 PM ( 21 m ago)
Hits:   254

anyone wanting to go 2+ miles under the ocean in a toy sub---should know they are not going to make it-----

THE OWNER of such subs said MORE PEOPLE have went into OUTER SPACE than have traveled 2+ miles below the ocean.

There was no way the people could live more than 100 hours total--------no air, you die.

He said most likely the sub was imploded under the immense pressure...squashed and killed in a split food

YET, military shows UFO flying at high rates of speeds directly into the oceans and suggest that these UFO can fly equally as fast under the oceans as they can through space.

Not only are "they" showing UFO world wide every day on the news/tv, they all----have suggested that within 4 years, people will have been prepped to meet the ALIENS.

Today---they want to show the ALIENS, but the news still stats that "IF" we do that---every human on earth will stop what they are doing and hoard all the guns and ammo they can get their hands on-------and they are correct..

By the year 2030 they claim they will have mapped 100% of all the oceans on earth----- TODAY they see 20 feet into the surface of the earth and know where every piece of gold is buried with dead people....once they heard all the people out of south america, they will be digging it all up.


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