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Re: honey by #69242 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   5/25/2023 3:21:28 PM ( 22 m ago)
Hits:   246

Once you see mother's that breast feed 3 babies most of their adult life------ you then understand "Mother's"

Mother's should raise their children and her Man should build the castle, protect that castle and provide all the foods required to raise his family

MOM is the giver and she is the family physician.

ONCE you see True Mothers that never put on a pair of shoes their entire lifetime----you have SEEN A REAL WOMAN and these women are mostly gone now.........

My MOM? She loved giving us bottles of Corn Syrup and Cereal before school.

KAYRO CORN SYRUP was on the table all the time------as our teeth dissolved

A REAL MOM would be more like the movie---OLD YELLER..... every family should have GERMAN SHEPHERDS or a big YELLOW DOG that would give his life to protect the kids.


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