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Fountain of youth by #69242 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   4/26/2023 3:17:13 PM ( 18 m ago)
Hits:   5,539

There are literally 1,000's of reasons why you will not live past age 40

To avoid the majority, you have to live far away from cities---PERFECT would be an Island with mountains in the background and where it never ever gets colder than 65 degrees...

OTHERWISE you are what is for lunch.....bacteria/germs/fungus/mold have their job to dissolve you over time.

DISSOLVE YOU literally.

You are better off 20 pounds over weight than 20 pounds under weight....those dying are being CONSUMED literally by parasites using enzymes to dissolve and eat and poop you out..

POISONS galore thanks to scientist..

Bad people want your space---every specie has that issue.

The white coats can give you 300,000+ names as to what is eating you-------the big ones die easy and the ones you can never see, those are the ones that dissolve you.

STEP by STEP you loose what you once had.....male and female both understand that over time.


NOTHING should look bad

EVERYTHING SHOULD WORK and LOOK PERFECT---if not, your a result of poisons and creatures eating you-------

ALL medicines make your situation worse---ever gimmick is a hoax with bad side affects----stem cells, eatables and all dope and drugs and booze and operations---100% of all of that insures you pay the price and those creatures have a guaranteed lunch.

Day by Day what once worked----fade more babies for you... NATURE takes care of business in the survival of the fittest education.

ACCIDENTS do happen and NO ONE LIVES LONG ENOUGH to truly discover the fountain of YOUTH....and most of all, few to NONE CARE.......100% of the elderly that are all ATE UP, so skinny, so rotted within and out-----THEY DO NOT CARE, because they have billions of creatures on and in them secreting hormones and enzymes and "they" control their lunch.....with the help of electronics and all the other false educations out there that defeat the weak.

THERE is NO ONE SOLUTION, but always a top 10, a top 3 and a top 1.

FEW TO NONE will go live where they should----who wants or can afford to go buy a piece of paradise somewhere on earth-----NONE, after you understand you were born a slave, live as a slave and dies as a slave.

THE GREAT THING is that those "smart" educated types---they are just as brain washed even more so----they actually believe in stem cell therapy and all the latest drugs and dope........the biblical monks actually explained all this long long ago----slaves and slave masters...the slave masters are worse off than the slaves--judged far worse that the slaves are.

Basically the slave masters have zero chance of making it---their penalty for greed is insured....they failed, they do not pass go, they do not collect $200, they in fact---are screwed eternally. Rockefeller was a great example....before he met Dr. Hay, M.D. he offered $100,000.00 to anyone that could extend his life...he paid women to be milked so he could drink their milk--he used his $$$ to buy anything he could.......then Dr. Hay showed him the power of orange juice and that greedy old bastard seen $$$$ signs and the rockefeller institute with all the other colleges all went the opposite direction of health---because you control sickly slaves---not healthy slaves that will tell you where to get off...


Lucky old people learn to empty their bank accounts and spread the fake $$$ around to their family and friends...USE their fake $$$ and not be stuck with the hot potato at the can not take their fake wealth with you....LAND/HOUSES/FOOD/FAMILY/HEALTH--that is what you use the fake $$ for.

Your have "1" Body

That body functions with out "you" at the controls....literally and that is where life gets is YOU verses IT and IT will make happen what it was brain washed to believe in---making your eyes and ears your false profits, your greatest enemy where you are a student and bad teachers surround you.

The you have GOD--the creator, HE who made you and all you that complicates your existence as much as it enables you to take your next breathe of air.

ODDS ARE, 100% of your entire lifetime was known before your parents were born...............WOW, what a ride your in for.

FREE WILL? Do you really have FREE WILL? It seems you do..........and the day you learn to GET OUT OF THE WAY OF YOUR SELF is the day---your TRIP of LIFE gets moving forward and stops driving into a block wall..

YOU can drive into a block wall for 50 years or even your entire lifetime---live your life in a prison, etc.

Outside influences --good and bad are all around you known as "CHOICES".

NATURE reigns SUPREME, God's Correct system in the art of planet creation / life. Nature is the only true JUDGE---how dare any human say they are your judge....I would never want to be in their shoes the last breath they take.....the $$$ is never worth that mistake.

There is YOU and billions of hungry microscopic creatures that are called endless thousands of names and we simple people just call them fungus and mold, because we can see that.

THE HUMAN BODY is no better than your mother's blue print---sadly you are the result of your past 7 generations and that is almost always bad news.......BUT the blue print you were created by---should always be that good.........when something fades, you have been poisoned / ate alive.

1. your appearance, can't hide from that fact

a. baldness
b. wrinkles
c. sore anything
d. things stop working---no more kids for your old body
e. you get the point, your eyes tell you those people are screwed.....literally rotting before your eyes.
f. consumption was the old word that best describes all that fail and everyone fails.

1. your brain can be your worse or best friend

a. DO not let your brain take full control
b. commercial education is designed to make you a slave
c. Physical books and pencil/pen is superior
d. electronic / video / audio could have set the world free, but bad people made it, bad people control it and that is not in your favor

IF you never seen a paper or pencil or other none family member in your entire lifetime----you would be FREE. FALSE education surrounds you---those that want to own you mastered the education of death.

FREEDOM is NATURE and NATURE rewards the smart and consumed those that disobey.SURVIVAL of the FITTEST is the only true law of Nature and humans break that law and disease and torment is the result.World War 1 had that goal--100% extermination of the Strongest and Smartest and the creation of parent-less children. World War 1 never ended, it never slowed down.

The Human body struggles with 100% of the stuff that is trapped inside it---that "STUFF" then causes thousands of diagnosed problems with living.

All that "STUFF" then makes a false education making medical a worthless subject of the dying....ALL THE GREAT DRS all wrote that STOP putting that STUFF in your mouth and we can all get a different job. (all drs are vets)

NO "modern" HUMAN is going to stop eating and drinking that STUFF, they all prefer death over stopping the intake of STUFF.

So the fountain of youth was known LONG AGO--stop eating that STUFF.

The Fountain of YOUTH is not eternal life, it is extending life with all that STUFF still inside you........allowing you to eat and drink more STUFF with out loosing your ability yo have lots and lots of children ..

Humans, like most all mammals, exist to have babies--same with fish, reptiles, insects, etc......LIFE is what LIFE is about.......

No human should have to live alone or with out the love of a large family---those that do not, yes, they have no life and want to end their life.....Nature beat them.

Function fades away as the organs fade away---when organs turn hard, they stop working.

1. THE NUMBER ONE REASON FOR DEATH is dirty water....people that can not understand that fact have no chance.

2. Dirty AIR or weaponized air, affects all life on can clean up your house---but once outside, you are a victim, you were born a victim and you have always and always will live on a battlefield. Survivors fight, slaves succumb.

3. USE it or LOOSE---every male and female learn that fact---what you stop using, eventually stops working and decays--forever.

4. SUN was created so your planet and you could have LIFE----GOD your creator is REAL...colleges are false, they always have been-BEWARE false education, it destroys your life. LIFE is family, all else is false education.

5. YOU were given your body---not billions of fungus/mold/creatures....."you" are in charge of your gift.

6. many have believed for a long time that you control your body like a R/C vehicle ---there is you and then there is your body, you are not in 100% charge, you never were. Your body can function with out you.

a. The billions of things living on and inside you, secrete hormones and enzymes --THE THINGS that affect the human body functions.....some even believe these creatures can control your body to some degree.

7. The Human body is designed to be perfect, in that it can rebuild its self and amazingly fast.

a. as long as your cut or scrap or insect bite can heal---YOU HAVE HOPE, your blood still works.

8. REVERSING starts with Restoration of your BLOOD.

a. Dr. Hay and all of Medical Pre 1950 proved that any human can have 5x more red blood cells in just 14 days, with the use of orange juice and NO MORE STUFF put in your mouth.

b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p..........the Hay Way can be 10x easier and 100x better than Harvard/Yale/Rockefeller/Hay/Jackson could have ever believed....

Q. all of medical for 200 years have been studying LONGEVITY, they have studied men that look at 22 at age 250---THEY KNOW what kills humans...and that proof proves medical has always been the opposite of what is taught and always will be. EVERY GREAT dr's book is full of that advice--run from the white coats and their drugs. NO needles, no drugs, no vitamins....stay away from all that is not natural.

R. You R covered in fungus/mold--your skin and hair 100% covered

S. UNDERSTAND that all "S"ynthetics are bad always....and most all medicines and even herbs commercial produced are loaded with synthetics.If man makes it--don't take it....that stuff is just STUFF that gets stuck inside the body and feeds the fungus.

T. TO LEARN why your not perfect anymore is the KEY---do not accept death, learn why you are being consumed and fading away.

U. Understand nature---do not fight with nature, Nature always wins.

V. Victory should always be the goal.

W. Win your battles and learn to do better at prevention of your next battle.

X Y Z---do what it takes to WIN

Make every day a better day, never go BACKWARDS. You can not build after your body sucks.........those that lay there and just die---are lazy and Nature will dissolve them. They are food for parasites.

DEATH is everywhere, false education breeds death.


The 1957 Co-q10 guys---they had the right idea---learn how those red blood cells work...understand what food is and what garbage is.....their greed mislead them, took them down the wrong path---but not before they understood the blood and food.

FOOD is REQUIRED, the bible tells it best----MANNA and medical understood manna once they went into space--but not before. The human body needs, requires the SUN's manna.

ALL CYCLES, even our suns and there lays our problem today---we are ending another earth longer are humans living thousands of years---in the end, we eat out of desperation. Everything wrong in the mouth and lungs forced the blood to respond....we are no better than our last breath of air----you in fact live 1 breath at a time.

with 1 breath of air----YOUR BODY can change...What enters your lungs will travel up the right side of your neck and dissipate to the center of your forehead within about 2 seconds of time---YOU CAN change your human body in about 2 seconds time--------just 1 breath of bad can kill you that fast...OR feed you just that FAST.

The skin breaths in and out---

The stomach is your largest blood cleanser organ---it is not a tank for a dead cow/pig to rot in. (sorry, just is not)

YOU BODY seeks to EXPEL all the stuff you put in your mouth......that stuff makes all of medical helpless to understand.

The Fountain of YOUTH does exist---it is a fountain of air and as can be water based..............Each breath of air takes in OXYGEN to your LUNGS / BLOOD and that breath enters via your lungs and all your skin........YOU are made better or worse every second of your entire lifetime........those that put crap on their skin---are proof we humans are hard to kill, we were designed to live thousands of years old---it takes allot to kill us by age 40.

A Proper clean stomach will cleanse your blood 24/7 and can capture all bad stuff in the blood and shoot it up out of your mouth, or out your skin or liquefy your bowels and exp;ode it down and out..............all of medical knows that--no secret. THIS is how the Dr. Hay Way cures all---a clean stomach.

Dr. John R. Christopher used gallons of herbs to PURGE and clean that stomach---knowing that stomach is your path to living.

CLEAN is life, dirt is parasite food.

When doing the Dr. Hay Way----your tongue, liver and stomach all turn aluminum / titanium color---BECAUSE your brain/blood wants that chemical warfare "stuff' out fast...This means 100 years ago they understood and the bad people weaponized it. Your goal is to expel it as you walk through their valley of the dead.

PURGING is as old as the bible...................KILL, DISSOLVE , PURGE from the body---that is what your entire body goal is..

Drinking dirty water fills your organs, all your organs with rock and chemicals---this makes you look OLD as you fill up with the rock...............

The Dr. Hay Way aids in dissolving that rock, as can herbs--the greatest herbs are always the purging herbs.

CITRUS CLEANSES.......never forget that fact.

Healthy humans 100 years ago were never over 165 pound according to medical charts.

Today----a healthy make can easily be 220, but if he was 165, you would understand his youth again and then know true health and not what he learned to accept as healthy.

The fountain of youth turned into how can I live long and well and remain FAT--------and that remains to be discovered......BUT, surely obtainable to some degree--EVERYONE should out live their just win the local game. Do not be the looser.

The true fountain of life starts in the womb with a great MOM---starting with a healthy body is the ultimate goal...

"IF" your body still works---you are doing something correct.

When 1 part starts to fade---correct it.

Kill the fungus/mold/worms before they dissolve and eat you.


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