Re: Finally on the Path to Healing these zombie lips by skinfixin ..... Peeling Lips Exfoliative Cheilitis
Date: 6/8/2020 12:35:28 AM ( 5 y ago)
Hits: 1,043
Yeah I can reply on this. I don’t know how so many people have been using this site for so long. But at the moment I’ve been focusing on the possibility of my EC being related to hormones or mast cells, in which histamine is a large aspect of. I’m experimenting at the moment and will probably try a Low Histamine Diet . I’m not convinced it is mast cell related as I don’t share many of the common symptoms and I can’t believe it could manifest itself in my lips alone. I was leaning more towards the possibility of gallates being my issue but after reading frugal kites blog a few months ago I knew it would be so difficult to follow such a strict regime especially here in the UK, organic food is so expensive. I would ask how you cope but I see you’re from the US, what’s your general diet like on this gallate free diet? Have you used tacrolimus before starting this diet as I’ve definitely heard of people having short term success with tacrolimus but as soon as it stopped their EC came back and sometimes even worse. Do you think it’s a combination or one or the other?
Also, what are your symptoms of EC? Do your lips become inflamed after eating most meals like mine? Do your lips become inflamed after s*x? (Don’t answer if not comfortable). That’s what made me think hormones because they don’t swell after physical exercise. I’m sure mines related to diet in some way as the only time I ever see a fluctuation in the state of my lips is when I change up my diet but I just can’t seem to hit the nail on the head. (Tried many different diets)
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