Re: Still a lot of breast cysts after supplementing for 15 months... feeling discouraged!! by Dafnii ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team
Date: 6/4/2020 10:26:05 AM ( 5 y ago)
Hits: 2,116
Hi Grace, yes it is great to find people that are on the same journey and I have to say this forum, reading past posts have given me a lot of courage in times when I needed it.
Now that you mention it I think I have also noticed some more tiny cherry angiomas since taking Iodine but I had some even before which appeared and disappeared...
And I think I have found some interesting info here:
That means that they could be a sign of bromide and fluoride toxicity/detox (if it's a sign of detox then it's great as it shows Iodine is working hard to displace them!) which also calls for those salt flushes to help flush those nasty halogens out of our bodies!
I am not sure about the progesterone cream, I think it's a bit controversial as I have read it could help with breast tenderness but on the other hand it also increases the risk of Breast Cancer and has a list of side effects... I bought it actually and used it once but thought that my breasts were in more pain after applying it, so not sure, maybe I need to do a bit more research and try again. I usually paint my breasts every second day before bedtime with Lugols Iodine 5% and grape-seed oil, I thought that's a bit more pure and less risky than adding the progesterone.
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