NO Body Odor Despite Under Arm Hair Growth by L84APPT ..... Body Odor Forum
Date: 7/23/2019 12:32:17 AM ( 6 y ago)
Hits: 442
I stumbled upon something very strange of late. I'm a 50 year old female and I was recently diagnosed with (bacterial) pneumonia. Oddly and likely due to fatigue and shortness of breathe, I have stopped shaving my legs, armpits and trimming my hair 'down there'. All these things I did consistently for years to ward off odor(s), for appearance sake and likely because it's what our American culture conditions us ladies to do. However, I've been noticing that there has been no odor at all, much to my surprise. I also use one of those crystal stones (no aluminum) for underarm wetness and odor. I am just stunned! There also seems to be less irritation. I typically get razor burn and ingrown hairs. I imagine such abrasions cause MORE odor causing bacteria then not shaving at all??? Anyway, I'm trying to research this but I only seem to be finding feminist (so not me) related nonsense on the matter. Anyone here have a more academic answer/theory they can provide? I will probably never go back to shaving (much to my husband's disappointment) since I physically feel so much better leaving all the body hair alone.
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