Re: The Trinity in the Old Testament by UserX ..... Christianity Debate
Date: 2/5/2019 1:25:44 AM ( 6 y ago)
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Ed, you seem to think that most mainstream Christianity is King James only, or maybe you believe that mainstream Christianity is 100% God-breathed for any modern translation of the Bible. I do not believe you are right. When I read the doctrinal beliefs of many groups I noticed that many believe that it was only the original texts that were God-breathed. That is why in sermons many refer back to the original language for a word study. You are really over playing this and it is not necessary as it is not true. I only see it true for those who are King James only and their beliefs are based only on the reasonings of men. I have the time set for you in this video as Dr. Brown explains the issue. He is first playing a video of a Christian who is attacking his friend, Dr. White, in a most crazy way of reasoning because Dr. White is not King James only. After, the short video, please listen to Dr. Brown's comments on the subject. This will last about five minutes, from 9 minutes 53 seconds to 14 minutes 23 seconds. Dr. Brown and Dr. White sure don't believe that the modern translations are God-breathed, or they would not spend so much time in the original languages. They know the translations are made from copies of what was God-breathed and most of it is very accurate to the original. That's why the Holy Spirit is all over many modern Bible versions. Each version says the same thing in a different way sometimes. Hope you will have a short five minute listen. PS: I didn't know you didn't believe in the Trinity.
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