food seems to be poisoning me by Sh-Shawna ..... Ask CureZone Community
Date: 10/15/2018 7:58:42 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits: 1,847
Dear Curezone,
I am not familiar with how to ask a question on curezone and hence, I am not sure if this is the correct way to do it.
Will try to be as brief as possible. Below are my symptoms.
#1 --- It is thought I have Hereditary Fructose Intolerance
#2 ---- I have kidney pains (for about 2 years) and my spleen is slightly enlarged (over that last day)
#3 ---- If I eat fructose foods (including spices that have fructose), I get severe diarrhea and my whole body feels like it's being electrocuted. I also get ringing in my ears.
My two sisters also have a problem with fructose -- For example: one sister breaths out a horrible smelling gas. My niece is also fructose intolerant. My dad's breath also smells when he eats fruit. My mom is no longer living (supposedly had liver cancer).
#4 ---- About 5 years ago, I had a little nibble from an apricot seed. Normally, people can tolerate 20-30 or more, per day. In not too long after nibbling the seed (I can't remember exactly how long), I felt sick and vomited for quite some time. I could not hold any water down (drinking water) for about 5 hours after. I was so sick that I had to lie on my bed for many hours.
#5 --- About 1.5 months ago, I began eating tofu. I ate a lot of tofu (fructose free). I ate roughly one pound/day (organic and, supposedly, non-GMO). Very gradually, I began to feel sick and, I was always hungry. Then, one night, I almost puked all over the floor. I then realized that it was the tofu that was making me sick. So, I stopped eating tofu.
#6 --- I then began eating ground up flax with water. Flax seeds are supposed to be healthy. However, my body did not like this --- I can't remember what my symptoms were, but I quickly stopped eating them.
#7 --- I then switched to eating raw almond butter. However, this, too, became very problematic. It felt like the almond butter was passing through me. I also felt nauseous.
#8 --- I then switched to eating pea protein isolate. Well, this, too, passed quickly through me (left me extremely hungry). And moreover, I felt deathly sick (like I'd been poisoned).
#9 ---- I then did some internet research and realized that one commonality of these problematic foods was cyanide. This was confirmed when I realized that my body cannot handle a multivitamin with the form of B-12 (cyanocobalamin). This B-12 exposes the body to a very small dose of cyanide.
#10 --- I forgot to mention that when I eat the above foods, my stomach became REALLY big and I get sharp intestinal pains. And, of course, I feel deathly sick (literally). Also, I get ringing in my ears.
#11 ---- Hence, I tried eliminated cyanide from my diet. However, by now, so sick I'd become that my heart was racing, my breathing felt a little off (kind of lacking oxygen) and, at one point, my gums were bright red. I was also salivating A LOT.
#12 ---- So, I took activated charcoal for about 4 days and, this immensely helped. My stomach went flat. My whole body relaxed. In fact, my stomach has not been this flat for years !!
#13 ---- However, now, my sensitivity to cyanide (I THINK), is getting more and more severe. So bad it is, that if I pass near cigarette smoke, I began to feel extremely sick.
#14 --- The only foods I am eating are: washed white rice, organic turkey and tuna. I am afraid to try anything else. I fear that I could drop dead if I eat something with a moderate level of cyanide. When I eat these three foods, I do not get any intestinal pains and, I do not feel sick. However, I think the white rice might make me feel very very slightly sick. In fact, I am quite sure of this.
#15 --- When I take L-Cysteine, it has helped with the effects of being poisoned (for example: if I accidentally take something with cyanide). The other day, my whole body started going into a panic. This was really strange because the only thing new that I took was quercetin (I also ate a lot of white rice that day). Could quercetin have naturally occurring cyanide ? On this note, I took L-Cysteine and it helped. But, not perfectly (like an antidote).
#16 --- I realized that I cannot eat fructose foods about 2 years ago.
#17 --- My current age is near 40 --- I weight about 120 pounds. I am female. My blood type is AB+
I also think I am allergic to dairy products -- I do not eat dairy foods
#18 ---- QUESTION: Any input on the above info. would be greatly appreciated.
I will probably need to see a private doctor and spend money. I do not have a family doctor. I have been to the hospital emergency many times and the doctors are, in general, quite useless. My blood work comes back relatively normal (low potassium levels 3.4, low uree 1.3, low lympho 1.3, highish phosphore 1.53) and they insinuate that there is nothing wrong with me. Hence, I must pay money to see a private doctor.
***** one time, my blood was one notch above the highest point for normal blood PH (I am slightly too alkaline). However, this is really weird because, sometimes (when I was eating foods with cyanide), it felt like I was pooing pure acid !! Also, over the past year, my intestines have bled profusely --- this happened twice.
#19 --- Since I must pay money for doctor, it would be great if I have some information on the blood work tests that would be good to ask for. I know that some tests are better than others and hence, if I ask for the right tests, I might find out what is wrong with me.
#20 ---- My weakest subject area is Science (mainly, chemistry and biology). Hence, if anyone has any input or advice, please try to keep it as simple as possible.
#21 ---- In my opinion, I think my body has a problem breaking down: Cyanogenic glycosides. Maybe I am deficient in the enzyme Rhodanese ? This would explain a lot. This might also explain why, over the past many years, I've eliminated a lot of foods that contain moderate to high levels of cyanide. For example, I LOVE macadamia nuts. However, they made me feel really weird and hence, I stopped eating them. The same was true for lima beans, mung beans (sprouted), many berries, cherry juice ...etc.
****** also, maybe I am allergic to cyanide ? Or, something else? I also must get an allergy test for red meat. I think I got bitten by a Lone Star Tick (about 6 years ago) -- My intestines and body do not like red meat.
#22 ---- Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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