Orange Juice fasting by MH ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist
Date: 4/16/2018 8:10:14 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits: 1,361
Orange Juice fasting does not, can not undo a lifetime of wrong diet and habits---what it can do is JUMP START your cleanse…….. Dr. Hay's Cure - All was corrective diet "after" your first Orange Juice Fast.
He did not need herbs because his corrective diet was a human diet and a human diet is an anti-parasite diet.
Most humans glance at a book and say they read it---very few ever really read any book. To read a good book it is hard to read more than 10 pages per day or better stated, people should not try to read more than 10 pages per day…….
A good book has so much good information, you can not read more than 10 pages per day---while I do agree that all bad books can be read in a few hours or less because the info is all garbage and you start glancing at it because you know the entire foundation is false and the authors is worthless.
many people want to believe the combination diet was the cure and that is false. Dr. hay's staff from what i could figure out came up with the combination diet and i know for a fact that ENGLAND jumped on this and many european authors wrote many diet books and included the name of Dr. Hay and based their diets on corrective combinations.
The Alkaline Diet does not result from better combinations of foods---better combinations of foods simply means you choose to kill your self slower than your neighbors……… is that simple.
the alkaline diet can only be obtained by NATURE'S DIET, the diet GOD created 100% of all humans to live on………..the thousands of god hating authors have wrote thousands of books seeking to lead everyone possible away from God. Colleges that produce these authors are some of the most god hating people on this planet.
EVERY food created by GOD for humans to live on for thousands of years dating back to the creation of the first human---all of those foods will result is an alkaline stomach that leads to an alkaline body and that is all the Dr. Hay cure for all was teaching---the same thing medical knew by the mid 1800's.
The only test any human could possible need to provide the truth and proof is simple pH paper designed for human use.
Your spit and your urine are 2 things easily tested.
ACIDS kill alkaline cells.
Humans with acid stomach not only burns up their stomach and intestines, they rob their blood of natural organic calcium and that in turns robs them of their heart health.
NO HUMAN OBEYS GOD when it comes to diets and habits. The invading religions that with the help of each gov entered into every piece of land on this planet and trained people to obey $$$$ and watch tv and give them free phones---had but 1 goal---to make sure those people stopped living Naturally and to become addicted to $$$ and naturally each group left teachers to teach their religions.
These religions actually are the proof of the end times as they were possessed to find every human left on earth and make sure they became addicted to $$$$
One of the last civilizations on earth was corrupted by late 1990's…….their leader sought outside education and then he brought it back to his land……their documentary showed how there was no corruption, no suicides and everyone lived like they had for centuries----as a family who all worked for the common good of everyone in their country….there were no IDEAL HANDS, every human worked for food and shelter and all were happy……loved and needed as a large group.
Once the invaders came, brought machines, something as simple as garden rotor tiller, left their tvs and phones----they proved that even old people could rapidly be made lazy and addicted to everything that was not natural……and amazingly, the people became addicted to BIG TIME WRESTLING ---the most "fake" thing on tv.
ONCE CORRUPTED, humans felt worthless, not needed and suicides became an issue…….
EVERY wrong/bad diet/habit you can possible think of that is AGAINST NATURE leads to premature DEATH in endless ways to the point that humans eventually start murdering their unborn babies and some eating their babies. The history of sodom and gamora repeats in world history over and over as all humans turn away from nature and God and seek to abuse children and them selves till they all die. Medical Scientist compared humans to rats----they took 2 rats, gave them the same amount of food their entire lives---no more, no less………as their babies grew up and competition for the food lead to fighting and murder and eating of each other---eventually disease kills them all……….they suggest humans are no better than rats---they will kill each other, eat each other and they are plagued with disease.
The last parasite info I had any interest in was the study done world wide on the subject of syphilis……..they dug up humans world wide to see what their bones looked like…….they concluded all humans of all races world wide all show signs of death by syphilis for the past 300 years. They proved every biting bug carries and spreads syphilis in all mammals…….and humans spread it amongst them selves by contact……..this syphilis gets into every tissue / nerve of their entire body and the location often determines the names the doctors give the disease……..or more correctly the location of the SYMPTOM.
Historically in every country they had specific herbs to aid with this syphilis……….including all american, european, russian, african, south american doctors…..
In the past 20+ years it is not PC to say you have syphilis or HIV Aids…….and all animals have different names for the same disease.
YOU CAN CALL your Syphilis your HIV Aids anything you want-------------but historically it is a WORM that eats your bones to the point that after your long dead, your bones tell why you died………..while you had flesh on your bones, those same worms can eat your muscles, your ligaments, your nerves, your brain……
THESE TINY WORMS are but 1 of hundreds, even thousands, even countless thousands of different parasites that eat YOU for 1 reason…………..that you disobey NATURE by eating and living WRONG…………………you can not beat NATURE. nature rewards every specie correctly based on his well they obey.
The saying: ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE has more meaning than anyone cares to think about…………with NATURE, every defective off spring will be killed for the good of the specie. With humans, the civilized ones that left nature long ago…..upset nature. Civilizations actually condemn all the species of humans that to this very day---take their deformed babies and throw them off a cliff or put them in a gov orphanage where they are starved to death…….even though, these species of humans out number the "civilized" species. The civilizes species seek to enter the countries that kill their deformed babies and adopt them…..this act increases the end times……every step against nature---increases DISEASE. Humans can not help them selves and they repeat the same actions over and over and over and this has allowed the ancient Bible Monks to record human history……
The less civilized species of humans learned they can barely feed them selves and that a deformed human will have ,more deformed humans and one of the largest species of humans on earth decided long ago their best chance was to restrict all their people down to 1 or 2 children per family and eating the unwanted babies became popular because to them--meat is meat. Many of these same species of humans have a long history of eating each other as their method of population control……
NATURE can not be fooled or beaten---the more all the scientist try, the faster they bring on the end times.
Russia showed on world wide TV 30+ years ago that they have 1 germ bomb that can wipe out the earth by way of lung diseases that no human can survive---a true DOOMS DAY BOMB and surely every country with missiles all have the same bombs…..while in NATURE, entire species are effected and as they loose their immunity, the parasites eat them till they are dead.
ALL the military does is see what kills humans and then tries to make it stronger. Germs (parasites) are a weapon that can go out of control and threaten the entire planet, especially when all humans/mammals have naturally been born with them for the past 300+ years……..
THESE END TIMES by NATURE is suggested to be a result of the earth's rotation around the sun you see and that sun rotating around the next sun……
The earth starting a NEW CYCLE all is perfect, all lives for hundreds of years via perfect sun radiation/energy……….and as the earth cycles and the sun cycles towards the end-----sun radiation becomes less in balance and everything becomes less perfect and as a result of the humans/life on earth not in perfect health anymore----parasites DO THEIR JOB………..they eat you, decay you and return you to THE DIRT.
In the end, it appears humans get all MESSED UP
Instead of having children, they seek PETS
Instead of LOVE, they live alone
Instead of thanking God for every breath of life--they stick their hands out to gov for free $$$
In the end, it gets REAL BAD according to history that repeats its self over and over….humans get real nasty towards each other, especially those that seek the love of GOD.
The history says these people will fight/kill/eat each other ands surely that ends in Bacteria (parasites) killing/dissolving all the humans at the end.
MAN always seeks to RUN------they build underground cities and try to go live on mars/moon where ever….
Everything they do---is always the OPPOSITE……..the smarter they think they are, the more they prove how ignorant and evil they are and 100% of all they do and say will extend your life and happiness, will always be the "opposite" as far as Nature is concerned.
THE GOOD DOERS actually are the ones that enter and harm all the good people that was left…..the good doers always seek to make sure all humans obey the kings and queens/masters of the $$$
Humans have the abilities to stop and eliminate all defective children and feed all humans on this planet, end starvation, end misery; but because each specie hates the other and have since the days of NIMROD, they instead war and starve and make slaves of each other and the really bad ones, kill their babies and eat them.
In the end, people just literally kill each other and unary people each each other and that is what the hollywood horror movies have been trying to warn people that their future is. How many children today does not know what a ZOMBI is………..the world is "training" the children. Not Godly people, but worldly people.
Juice Fasting dates way back, it is just a first step is the removal of some of your parasites and making your blood stronger and more parasite resistant…..the CURE is DIET and HABITS and the SUN will always be your most powerful healer---God's Greatest gift that enables LIFE.
God created LIFE, all LIFE and no human knows or has seen GOD….the word GOD is a universal man created word for the UNKNOWN CREATOR. Every human that believes/teaches against the word GOD and believes they are the result of bacteria that evolved into them…..are the opposite of those that Seek God's Love.
Their are people who believe that are God's Creative Spirit that enables them to make that body walk/talk and then there are those that believe they are just cells that have no spirit, no God and just organized cells that need to kill the competition.
NO MATTER what your education is----the parasites win, they are, will eat you alive.
Corrective foods are anti-parasites and all good herbs have never been anything other than foods that you use in smaller amounts. ALL toxic plants, toxic minerals/chemicals ARE JUST THAT---TOXIC. Not long ago at all, the extremely ignorant medical colleges trained doctors and people to use ARSENIC and MERCURY as medicines……….EVERY american home 60+ years ago had arsenic and mercury in their bathroom medicine cabinet. The college educated doctors for at least 200 years wanted to be "SPECIAL", so they used poisons instead of herbs…..these medical poisons arrived for 1 reason ---humans were living on the wrong diets and doing the wrong habits and the more toxic they became---those seeking their wealth (doctors) created every sort of potion and operation they could think of………..knowing people would hand over their $$$ for another day of life……
By 1970 the adults were tired of being poisoned and operated upon-----the wealthier ones were going to Germany and even mexico for their medical needs….this scared those colleges so badly, they believed their only path to survival was to poison the pregnant mothers, produce more defective children, create more heart disease, more cancers, more diabetic children in order for their colleges and brotherhood of "professionals" to survive.
Dr. Howard Hay, M.D. was one of the top surgeons in North America………..when he was dying of Bright's Disease, he knew there was no cure………..but one of his medical friends had told him about orange juice. Dr. hay tried it, cured himself, then spent 5 years studying HOW and he proved the Alkaline STOMACH and then proved it with the next 63,000 patients at his sunrise clinic. He wrote that he pout his knife down and 100% of all drugs down and that he cured all but maybe a handful of patients, but cured most coma patients…….he believed/proved that those in coma was over acidic and your lights go out when your too acid.
Dr. Hay, M.D. long before anyone today was born, was Protesting the White House and condemning the creation and use of all Vaccinations……….you can still find his protest letters on line today.
it seems that several doctors by the late 1890's understood human health and was curing all disease with ocean water and or corrective diet or both.
For North America the corrective diet was apples, oranges, pears, berries any and all sweet tree/vine fruits. These are ADAPTIVE corrective foods, while the truest forms are Coconuts, Pineapples, and the endless sweet and free fruits of the tropics……..
ALL PERFECT - CORRECTIVE foods are all 100% cleansers, anti-parasite with the correct amount of sugars and minerals and of the correct color for the season. these foods do not accumulate, to not need to be digested if they are chewed correctly…….they are USED by your blood within 15 minutes of consumption……..proving the fact that YOUR STOMACH is not a POT and in fact, your stomach is your largest blood cleansing organ……an alkaline organ.
medical has its foundation on an acid stomach---so their entire foundation is 100% wrong. One pot Germany's greatest Physicians by 1970 at the end of his life, believed all that is good, was discovered by 1900…………he learned how to stop 99+% of all heart attacks using pineapple. He learned how to enable people to grow new hips/bones and that/he was the reason the colleges hated him and was fearful all the americans were going to Germany…….so the colleges went the opposite and after the babies, the pregnant women and these same types of college professors call them the most liberal, progressive groups on this planet and they all hate God, they teach their students to hate God….after all, you must hate God if you believe in murder of babies. The more God haters the colleges churn out, accelerates THE END TIMES…..
William Branham born in 1907 as a poor cabin raised kid---proved to the world that the end times are near…….he struck fear in every world/religious leader on this planet, because he is the only human that could show on command Spiritual Healing and could heal entire cities, groups and loved to give people new eyes…especially blind children…William Branham believed all humans control their body from a different place---a place he called THE REGIONS…..what children to day would know as R/C----remote control.
Many people today---talk to them selves…giving the illusion they are not in control of their body, but are instead INSIDE that body….
YOUR BODY no matter how it really is---is your vessel, you permit it to fail, you leave earth no matter what your beliefs……dead as dirt or back to where you came from, etc…..the human body is not a car that you replace when it wears out…….it is the only body you have. Many people today do not want to live---just like the people of 20 years ago started experiencing once they were give tv/phone and machines to do the work for them.
Dr. Christopher seen this many years ago and called Humans GEESE……..The lazy goose will take the path of least resistance --even if it means they walk right in front of the hunter that is going to kill and eat them………HUMANS do best if they work every day…….todays past few generations are more and more defective and the more defective they are, the less they will or can work……..and today many are confused if they are a male or a female or a 'it', thanks to education and being born to people raised on drugs.
LESS work in general is going to mean LESS LIFE.
Men work for a family…….men that do not do this, are not men, they are just males.
Women work for a family…..women that do not do this are just females.
Family enables life to go onward……….all species understands NATURE and complies or their specie becomes extinct.
The cool thing about being human is the fact you can do what you want and die as you want and today, few to none cares….in the end times, people will not care. History is all the proof required to see how fast humans have decayed based on how they treat those that died.
You are living in the accelerated end times….you can not run or hide from that fact.
You can adapt and defend, but it takes a man and a woman and sadly fewer men and women exist today. Men and Women mate for life, otherwise family does not exist…..anything with humans that becomes less than perfect family, ends in misery for the next generation.
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