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Re: morgellons? please help! by bettieblue ..... Morgellons Disease Forum

Date:   4/9/2018 2:44:57 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   2,430

I have been struggling with a painful rash and digestive issues for about five years. I don’t know if it is the same thing but I have seen the fibers that move and wonder if it is not filarial worms. I also struggle with what could be ascarius. Doctors have been zero help and I’ve seen dermatologists, infectious disease doctor, tropical medicine doctors and digestive specialists. It’s maddening.
coffee enemas seem to help. I recently started a round of ivermetin, Diethylcarbamazine and put Moxidectin on my rash. It seems to be helping but I’ve yet to beat the beast back. I experienced scattering and they can end up anywhere.
Please post and let me know if you uncover the cause or find a cure. I am suffering and have been for a while. Many others are in the same boat.


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