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Re: Focus by #68716 ..... Iodine Supplementation Support by VWT Team

Date:   4/4/2018 7:43:23 PM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   6,167

iodine plays a role in oxidations accomplished in the reticulo-endothelial system and is adjunct preventive for neoplastic growth resulting from two of the three mechanisms by which the body causes neoplastic tissue to occur and proliferate. I can write much but who the H am I and the info I would provide you cannot discern it from all the other free advice you will get and so on its face mine is no different from Jo Blow. Once neoplasm occurs, functional groups in endothelium are already non-functioning, and causes for this are tightly bound "toxins" that derive either from bacterial or viral or chemical. examination of person's past exposure can eliminate chemical in some cases, and after that the other two remain but regardless, there are known remedies. But I would not look to Iodine as solving it once the neoplasms have occurred. I suggest to avoid palpating them at all, if you give them any pressure greater than they experience with normal blood pressure, they will grow. Some MD's are very careless about this and its totally wrong. I cannot give medical advice, but can say breast needs to be kept warm since it is not experience the heat of normal circulation, thermal death point of neoplasms is 106 degrees F, some instances may be reversed by a heating pad but, the tumor is not the disease it is only a symptom and the binding of the toxin mentioned above exists throughout the reticulo endothelial system. The answer is in all cases to free the toxin from the functional groups of the reticulo endothelial system, then they function normally and contribute energy to the body about 50% as the so-called Krebs cycle provides. A properly initiated cascade of free radicals in small amount. too much is overwhelming. Obviously I cannot talk too much about this sort of thing for political reasons, but perhaps some of what I wrote will enable you to seek and learn more. I would cut the Himalayan salt if it were me.

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