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Re: Call to action by browbie ..... Cataract Forum

Date:   3/17/2018 12:40:25 PM ( 6 y ago)
Hits:   1,316

I had attended a lecture by a french doctor (around 2005 in Paris, France) who was working at healing eye-diseases through a nutritional approach...For cataracts she recommended the use of silicium, selenium and manganèse...She claimed to have stopped the disease's evolution in 31% cases, and had some reversal of the condition in about 15% cases...She was working at the Caen's hospital (CHU) at the time and was planning to publish a book. It's been out (it's called "Les Oligo-Éléments pour vos yeux et votre santé" by Dr. Catherine Orsoni). I rang up the Ophtalmology department at the hospital but didn't get through (already closed)...And unfortunately she seems to have retired (the person I talked to didn't have her name on her list and I found an information about that somewhere else)...

She wasn't working on cataracts alone though, but on various bad eye-diseases if I remember well enough (there was an other doctor there involved in similar studies and approaches working in an other hospital - in Grenoble - too...).

I've come across two interesting doctors as well, one here, very recently, working both at his private office, and in an hospital (has practised surgery but doesn't anymore), and an other one, ophtalmologist and homeopathic doctor (in Paris)...They have an open mind but limited - natural - means against this disease though. The second one gave me a treatment against cataracts after warning me she thought it wasn't very likely to succeed (said she really could have done something if I had come to see her earlier on). I had asked her if we could try, she appeared glad that I did and agreed.
The first one knew about Dr Bates method (but didn't practise it), and seemed interested by my mentioning lanosterol (had heard or read about it, even implied that I could consider going on if tt was doing me good). Not exactly what you would want, but nice to hear still...

Doctors working in hospitals may be more likely to be looking for alternative treatments, as they are less directly exposed to the making money process, at least here (many people talking about budget cuts and savings however !!).

This is as near to your quest as I know of...

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