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how do I know if I'm on the right track?! are they gone? by drankthewater ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   3/16/2018 11:52:28 AM ( 6 y ago)
Hits:   391

Hi I'm new here! I'll try to keep it short but it's not my forte :D

I've had pretty bad intermittent abdominal pain for years now (probably 8+ years), after a number of situations where I could have picked up a parasite. Along with that I have chronic inflammation, lung problems, allergies, eczema, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia. Ended up going to Mayo clinic where they ruled a bunch of stuff out (although didn't test for parasites...) and figured it'd be this way forever.

Recently it got way worse so I saw a doctor again thinking I had some weird longterm stomach flu thing. She ran one stool sample test and it came back negative for parasites. I did the cayenne pepper test I read about here (while also taking ACV) and instantly had a million little sesame seed and popcorn kernel looking things. I had seen them off and on for years along with jelly/spongey looking rectangular things but didn't think anything of it.

Long story short just finished up my first 10 day cleanse, and now questioning whether I'm on the right track here and if I should continue. I used this product

This morning was my last dose and my stomach is just exploding, which it hadn't really done through most of the cleanse. I got pretty constipated and kind of felt like I had the flu, now that it's over I'm worried I'm back where I started with unpredictable stomach and loose stools. During the cleanse I didn't really see a ton of things come out bigger than the corn-sized pieces, maybe a couple but not many...does that mean parasites is not what I'm experiencing? Or did the cleanse not work? Over the last day or two of the cleanse I have seen fewer and fewer seeds/kernels in my stool.

Any thoughts/advice much appreciated as my doctor just wants to send me to a GI specialist (again)!!!

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